How to Know if You Have Bedbugs in Your Home

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For quite a while, it was assumed that bedbugs had gone the way of the dodo, at least in places like
America where it seemed they had been eradicated by chemical pesticides. Unfortunately, they weren’t
even close to being completely exterminated throughout the world, and considering their penchant
for travel (and the fact that they can survive for up to a year without feeding), it’s no surprise that the
increase in global travel has allowed them to piggyback to places where they were previously thought to
be banished for good. But how can you tell if they’ve made their way into your home? Here are just a
few tips and tricks to help you identify bedbugs so that you can get them out for good.

First you need to learn what signs to look for, and contrary to popular belief, bedbugs are not hard to
spot. They are often confused with their microscopic cousins, mites. But in truth, an adult bedbug can
grow up to five millimeters in length (a little under a fourth of an inch). So if you’re looking for them,
you’ll find them. But how do you know where to look? And how will you know when you should start

The first thing you need to know about bedbugs is that it is exceedingly rare to find them on a person
or pet. They like to come out at night and feed (on your blood, unfortunately) and then return to their
hiding spots during the day. They prefer to nest in plush materials, which is why beds are an ideal home
for these critters. You may also find them in carpeting, furnishings, and even clothing. Pretty much
any surface in your home that isn’t hard could provide a comfortable nesting place for bedbugs, and
you will find them there if you look. Start by checking your mattress for the telltale spots (they’ll look
like pepper on your mattress) that indicate the presence of bedbugs. You should also check carpeting
(around the edges) and your headboard (which they can live behind undisturbed).

Of course, you probably won’t be alerted to the presence of these parasites in your home until they
start using you as a snack. And once they find a food source they will certainly begin to breed (and how!
). But you need to know what these bites look like in order to eliminate other potential biting pests
like spiders. It’s important to remember that different people have different reactions to these bites,
but you will likely see small red bumps when you wake up in the morning that weren’t there the night
before. They may itch and swell and they will look and feel a lot like mosquito bites. You might start
with one or two, but over time the number will probably increase (as their numbers grow). Look online
for bed bug bite pictures…there are a lot of them out there.

The possibility of bed bugs should not be taken lightly, so if you suspect they have infiltrated your home,
it is in your best interest to call an exterminator immediately to diagnose and deal with the problem.
At the very least, you’ll find out if bedbugs are the cause of your discomfort or if there is some other
harmful pest in your home. And at the best it could ensure that you stop serving as a nightly buffet (and
halt their spread throughout your home).


  1. now im itchy lol

  2. ew

  3. I hope I never have to meet these guys, it does make you shudder just to think about them

  4. Just the title of this post makes my skin crawl! We have never had an encounter with bed bugs (thankfully), nor have we stayed at a hotel with them…

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