Hallmark Mother’s Day Gifts

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Spouses of mothers, this one is for you.

It’s go time. Time to make that special lady in your life feel as special as she is. Moms are an all important part of every family. No matter who they, are they are always there, be it a biological mom, a grandmother, a motherly friend of the family, an aunt, all who fit in the shoes deserve the recognition on Mother’s Day. (PS Mother’s Day is May 12.)

With Mother’s Day around the corner, it’s time to think about and work on some gifts. One of the first places we start every year is the Hallmark store. This year at Hallmark they have this great new craft/ gift idea called Magic Prints. Magic Prints are a clean non toxic clean, easy, clean, way to make hand/ foot/ leg/ear prints without the mess. Did I mention there is little to no mess?

100_3866Any way the way this works is with a special mitt , liquid and paper. The adult wipes the clear liquid onto the hand/foot of the little one then the little one puts their hand/foot onto the paper. The liquid itself has an aroma which is somewhat pleasant, almost floral. It does have an oily texture to it, so even though it is cleaner, I would suggest NOT wiping it on a shirt or pants.

100_3863After making the print the liquid washes off easily with soap and water. This really is one of the easiest ways to make a hand print with a kid. Something to note is the liquid only works with the special Magic Prints paper, so don’t be disappointed if it won’t work on craft paper.

100_3867The kit includes 2 sheets of special paper and enough liquid for 2 prints. This is a great idea, as with most new things the first one might not come out as nicely as you would hope. We have done hand print crafts before, so Little Man knows the drill and is very good at this, so we have two hand prints! I suggested a hand and a foot print but he was having none of that.

This craft is perfect for parents who aren’t confident in their craft skills. Its easy and the directions are perfect. Plus it looks really good when its done.

Also while at the Hallmark store don’t forget to get every other motherly figure in your life, like your mother or grandmother new Mother’s Day Butterfly Signature Collection card. These would make the perfect delivery system for the second sheet of paper hand print and would make any Mom smile.


  1. Great idea! I did a tracing of my hand when I was like 9 or 10 and I found it in a scrapbook recently. The funny thing is, my hands are the same size still! LOL!

  2. Oh, I definitely would love to receive this as mother’s day gift. I need to mention this to my husband he can get it for my daughter to give to her mommy :). thanks for sharing.

  3. This is cute! I always forget to send cards on time. Thanks for the reminder =)

  4. This is such a fab gift for any mum, I still have my handprint pictures from when the children were younger. I love the easy way you can do this, especially not getting dirty !!

  5. These look fun and fail safe! I haven’t seen these yet but love the concept!

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