Thank you!

So I can handle a full time job, a blog, and grad school while taking care of the house and kids- my limit?  Add pneumonia……I’m sorry I’m a slug- I’m working on reviews and contests now, one will be up within the hour  🙂
Thanks for hanging in there with me!   🙂 

Pocoyo wants your help!

The beloved children’s character, POCOYO, has been named the first official Global Kids’ Ambassador for the World Wildlife Fund’s 2011 Earth Hour initiative on March 26, 2011.

As the newly appointed Global Kids’ Ambassador for Earth Hour, Pocoyo is primed for his latest adventure—to raise environmental awareness among today’s children. Empowering kids, their parents and caregivers to “turn off the lights” during Earth Hour (March 26, 2011 at 8:30 pm)—and to incorporate easy, environmentally sustainable actions “beyond the hour”—Pocoyo encourages kids to play a vital role in saving our planet!  As today’s children are tomorrow’s guardians of our planet, their involvement and sense of responsibility is vital.

Through innovative animation content and online activities, Pocoyo will encourage children around the globe to get involved in the.  Children will be asked to turn off lights in their homes for one hour beginning at 8:30 pm (in their respective time zones) in what has become a worldwide collective display of peoples’ commitment to protect the planet.

In 2010, the Earth Hour message reached 1.3 billion and the event saw hundreds of millions of people switch off in more than 4,616 cities and towns in 128 countries.

Organizers are looking to extend the Earth Hour “Beyond the Hour,” inspiring us all to include small changes in daily habits–taking the bus instead of a car or even riding a bike to work, for example–which will collectively benefit the planet and create a better future.  The campaign will also leverage the power of social media as a means of engaging and inspiring eco-friendly changes in people’s lifestyles around the globe.

Want to connect with Pocoyo?  Here are LOTS of options!
Become a “fan” of Facebook:
Follow Pocoyo on Twitter:
For Pocoyo DVDs:
For Pocoyo toys/DVDs:

Tune into Pocoyo daily on Nick Jr.


Hey all,
This mommy is soooo shot today.  Stupid pneumonia is killing me right now.  And you know there is no rest for a momma- some days are just harder then others.  Plus, it’s my first day off some of the meds, so I don’t think that is helping much.
I will make sure to post extra for you tomorrow and all weekend!
Have a good night,

Twisted Thursday!!!

Ringling Brothers!

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® Presents Fully Charged,
The All New Electrifying 141st Edition of The Greatest Show On Earth®,
Is Coming to New Jersey and Long Island

Due to Transformation of Madison Square Garden, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® Schedules Additional Performances in the
Long Island and New Jersey Area


Don’t miss Fully Charged, the all-new surge of circus entertainment from Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® where megawatts of thrills explode off of the arena floor with breathtaking dare-devilry, superhuman stunts and never-before-seen performances that energize Children Of All Ages!  The circus train is set to make stops at Newark’s Prudential Center from February 23 – 27, East Rutherford’s IZOD Center from March 2 – 13 and Long Island’s Nassau Coliseum from March 16 – 20!  Opening Night tickets at each venue are only $12 (excluding Circus Celebrity and VIP seating)!

The most electrifying edition ever of Ringling Bros.® celebrates ‘performance power’ that boosts circus-goers’ excitement. The amazing acts, which can only be seen at The Greatest Show On Earth®, include Tabayara, a dynamic animal trainer whose rare ability to communicate with animals allows him to ride rearing stallions at a fully-charged gallop and orchestrate majestic four-ton Asian elephants in a symphony of dance. When he stands inside a cage, eye to eye with 12 ferocious tigers, Tabayara sees family where others see danger.

Audiences will feel the earth shake when the strongman duo of Dmitry and Ruslan, who are as wide as they are tall, enter the arena. The brawny twosome give the word ‘manpower’ a whole new meaning as they lift large, cumbersome telephone poles, which weigh up to half a ton, and twirl them above their heads while acrobats balance atop.

The fearless Fernandez Brothers dial up the thrills as they perform daring feats of athleticism on the Twin Turbines of Steel, including extreme jumps and twists inside the moving wheels! Audiences will crackle with excitement as they watch Guillermo perform a 360-degree, flying-forward somersault, three stories in the air, a feat so difficult it has only been attempted by one other person in the 141-year history of Ringling Bros. The Human Fuse, Brian Miser, sets the arena sky ablaze as he rockets through the air from his self-made human crossbow. Don’t blink as he flashes across the sky in less than a second, and travels 80 feet at 65 miles per hour.

Ever wonder how many clowns it takes to change a light bulb? The hilarious hoopla continues to flow as the clowns from the world-famous Ringling Bros.® Clown Alley, charge up the audiences’ funny bones with hysterical silly antics and clownish comedy.

You can only experience this current of excitement at Ringling Bros. Fully Charged! Get your tickets for high-voltage fun today!
Tickets are available at, all arena box offices, Ticketmaster outlets, by phone at 800-745-3000 or  All seats are reserved.  Tickets are priced at $150.00 (Circus Celebrity), $70.00 (VIP Gold), $50.00 (VIP), $30.00, $20.00, $15.00.  Additional venue fees and taxes may apply. Opening Night tickets (excluding Circus Celebrity and VIP seats) are $12.  Children’s tickets to additional select performances are only $12.  For more info about Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey, visit

Pirose Scarf Review

I had the opportunity to review a Pirose Scarf by Reno Rose, made for either fashion or it can either be used as a nursing cover up. It was designed to wear in many ways, as a scarf, a shawl, in your hair- etc. And it is lightweight, and moves really nicely. There are really endless ways to wear it.
I am not loving the pattern, and I wish that we could have chosen a preference- because I’ll never wear it. I’m going to give it to my grandma when I see her later today.
Other then the pattern, which is beyond not my style- it would have been pretty. It felt nice on, and would dress up an outfit nicely if you had one you liked. It flows nicely, and can hide your upper arms (if you, like [Read more…]


I’m frustrated. Today, again (AGAIN) one of our kids was given a snack she can’t have due to allergies. A well meaning mother gave it to her, even though we kept taking it away. For parties- sometimes the mom’s can’t help themselves from giving the snacks to all the kids, even when we remind them that a child can’t have a certain snack. I eventually sat down next to her to prevent her from getting this snack.
This has happened more then once.
The scary thing? I was not with my regular teaching group today- and no one but me knew about her allergy. Of course, I kept reminding everyone. But it is always easier when all the teachers [Read more…]

5 Little Bunnies board book- review and CONTEST!!!

Just in time for Easter, I have the cutest little book for you! It’s called Five Little Bunnies, and it is a rhyming book aimed at kids up to age six. It comes with a CD of the story being read, plus 19 songs. The kids at the Pre-k really liked it, and Little Man LOVES his “fluffy bunny book”. He LOVES bunnies!
The book is pretty basic, teaching children the numbers and counting 1-5. But the illustrations are really adorable, and the kids live hearing the CD version after it is read to them. Twin Sisters, who made this adorable little book- are really into educational music, and take your children’s educational growth very seriously. Good news for moms of Preschoolers! (and Pre-K teachers, too, hehe!)

The songs are a sweet addition, and this is a great addition to any little one’s Easter Basket. I don’t know about up to six years old, but I think any kid up to age 4 or 5 would get a kick out of it.
And HEY MOM’S!! This book is ON SALE- for only $6.99! Total bargain, and a better Easter basket stuffer then a bunch of jelly beans!
You can order a cop of Five Little Bunnies HERE, and you can also enter to win one below!
Here is how to enter!

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