WIN The Nut Job Movie

pic9About the film

An entertaining family film about the power of unity, friendship and sacrifice.

Synopsis: Surly, a curmudgeon, independent squirrel is banished from his park and forced to survive in the city. Lucky for him, he stumbles on the one thing that may be able to save his life, and the rest of park community, as they gear up for winter – Maury’s Nut Store. The Nut Job comes to Blu-ray 3D and Blu-ray Combo Pack including Blu-ray, DVD, & DIGITAL HD with UltraViolet as well as On Demand on April 15, 2014, from Universal Studios Home Entertainment. The film will also be available on DIGITAL HD one week early on April 8, 2014
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MALEFICENT – The Curse Has Been Broken

“Maleficent” explores the untold story of Disney’s most iconic villain from the classic “Sleeping Beauty” and the elements of her betrayal that ultimately turn her pure heart to stone. Driven by revenge and a fierce desire to protect the moors over which she presides, Maleficent cruelly places an irrevocable curse upon the human king’s newborn infant Aurora. As the child grows, Aurora is caught in the middle of the seething conflict between the forest kingdom she has grown to love and the human kingdom that holds her legacy. Maleficent realizes that Aurora may hold the key to peace in the land and is forced to take drastic actions that will change both worlds forever.
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Disney’s FROZEN Now Out Blu-ray Combo Pack & DVD

Disclosure: The below was provided for me in order to facilitate my review. All opinions are my own and honest. I am disclosing this in accordance to FTC Guidelines. Please see “Disclose” tab for more information.

pic2Featuring a Blizzard of Fun-Filled Bonus Features, Including Deleted Scenes, Making-of Featurettes, “Let It Go” Music Videos, Theatrical Short “Get a Horse!” and Much More!

The award winning movie “Frozen” is out and ready for you to bring home as of today.  Kids everywhere (and adults, too) are falling in love with this story, sure to be a classic.  My son watched it for the first time just the other day, and he thought it was great.  His favorite were the snowman named Olaf, and the reindeer companion Sven.  They both made him laugh, and he loves that the snowman gets to “live” in springtime, as well.

“Winner of the 2013 Academy Award® for Best Animated Feature and Best Original Song (“Let It Go”), this wondrous tale of a young girl trying to save a kingdom trapped in eternal winter arrives just in time for spring and features even more adventure, more extras, and more Olaf!”

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An Interview with Muppets Most Wanted Director James Bobin


Muppets Most Wanted opened just last Friday, March 21. Have you seen it?  Have you seen it again-again?  Do you know what I’m talking about?

I still say we start a petition and get the Muppets Show back on TV.  They deserve a weekly slot.  Stand up for Muppet equality!  There is WAY too much garbage on the television right about now, Kermit and the gang can save us from the mundane.  Down with the Bad Girls Club, up with Muppets!  Muppet power!  Who’s with me?

OK, more Muppet Power later.  I recently had the opportunity to interview the Director of Muppets Most Wanted, James Bobin.  He also directed the Muppet Movie in 2011 as well as the comedy series Flight of the Conchords. He co-wrote Muppets Most Wanted  with Nicholas Stoller, who wrote the Muppet Movie with Jason Segal (who also played “Gary” in the movie).  Who’s on first?

James Bobin

James Bobin

Here is some of that interview with James Bobin-

Q: When writing The Muppets did you take any inspiration from your funny show Flight Of The Conchords? And then do you think that adult humor and children’s’ humor are closer than we think?

James Bobin:   [LAUGHS] Good questions. Uh, adult humor and, I’ll do them in the reverse order. Adult humor and child humor, yeah they are kind of different but they can be the same. I mean, we’re all big kids, really, I am, I know for sure. And so often I find things like, things falling over, I will find that funny forever. Like Tom and Jerry makes me laugh as much as my kids might laugh. And that’s always going to be that way. But sometimes it’s useful to have a thing that works on two levels, that they like it for some, a reason, and we like it for a different reason.

Often that’s because we’re putting clever words into the mouths of puppets and so they see a blue thing with a funny nose and white hair, which is funny, but we hear them say smart words. And I love it, that idea works for both adults and children.

(In reference to Flight of the Conchords) I think whenever you make anything you can’t help but put an imprint of yourself in it to a degree. So when you do like a show like Concords and move into Muppets you can’t help but bring a bit of that, your personality, with you.

Especially when you have half [LAUGHS] of the Conchords working on the movie with you. Brett writes the songs and so Brett and I worked together. And so be it set out on the streets of New York and Conchords or set on the streets of London and Muppets, there’s some of it’s Bert in many ways. And then, you know, in many ways the Conchords Muppets aren’t that different, they’re both quite innocent.

I don’t know but Conchords is the quite accessible innocent, sure they’re very kind of likeable innocent people. And the Muppets are also [LAUGHS] very innocent, likeable people. So it didn’t feel like a huge leap going from Conchords to Muppets, so. Yes?

group 2Q: So who is the most difficult Muppet to work with?

James Bobin: [LAUGHS] I’ll let you guess who the most difficult Muppet is who I work with. None of them, they’re all a total joy to work with. I’m a huge fan. I grew up watching the Muppets as a kid, so working with them for me is like working with my heroes.

Q: So what is the difference between shooting the first movie and then the second movie?

James Bobin: The first movie I’d never worked puppets before, so it was a very big experiential learning curve of how to frame shots, how to make this world feel realistic, that these puppets were alive, breathing people who are interacting with humans and the world’s just, the world we live in, the recognizable world we live in happened to have puppets in it. That idea I love, and that’s a very important part of it.

And that was quite, the training of the first movie was just getting, I think just getting to that level for me was an achievement. I could make a movie that worked on that level. And so for this one I just wanted to push that a bit further. Because the last movie is kinda set in the theater for a lot of the final act. And the last, you know, most of it was and so I thought this time, well, we should just get out and about a bit more and just do some slightly more adventurous, bigger stuff. And, obviously, the fact that the movie’s kind of a caper movie with some criminal stuff in it, feels like you can do bigger action sequences.

Obviously, you never want to put the words “puppet” and “action sequences” in the same sentence [LAUGHS] as a director, because that is very hard. But I like the idea of trying difficult stuff. It’s ambition about the movie I really like about it, it feels like a very different film to me. And the way I love both movies equally, but this film I feel like has slightly more ambition which I love about it and I think that’s when you’re doing a sequel there’s all sorts of things you have to deal with. One of them is you want to try and make a different movie. You don’t want to make the same movie twice, and that’s very important. Yes?

pic8Q: How much filming do you actually do?

 James Bobin:  A lot, I mean, it’s the principal photography, which is 95 percent of the film, was in London. We shot on the stages at Pinewood, which is just about a half an hour outside London, and then even places like Berlin and Madrid are also shot in or around London. Because going to Berlin with the entire Muppet cast and crew would’ve been a very expensive endeavor in doing it. And London is, as you know, a very ancient historical city, and therefore has lots of different architectural styles in it.

So you can kind of get a rough idea, “this looks a bit like Madrid,” ” this looks a bit like Berlin,” and certainly enough with some, you know, added set dressing and stuff, you could really feel like you’re there. And so most of the movie was shot in London, and in or around London. Which is kind of nice because the Muppet show back in the ’70s, uh, was made in London and not many people know that, you know. I mean, it feels like a thing that just, well it felt very much like a homecoming for Muppets.
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Yoshi’s New Island Video Game

Disclosure: The below was provided for me in order to facilitate my review. All opinions are my own and honest. I am disclosing this in accordance to FTC Guidelines. Please see “Disclose” tab for more information.

toys and nintendo 062Yoshi is one of the most beloved characters created  by Nintendo.  The reasons being that he is cute, tough, and hey- he throws eggs.  He is the quintessential assistant and mode of transportation.  Lets face it, if we could call ride a Yoshi to work or school everyday we would.  This lovable dinosaur is back in the Yoshi’s New Island for the Nintendo 3DS and 2DS.

The game starts out with the familiar stork and Mario story.  Mario is bring carried to his parents, but along the way the stork is attacked by Kamek, causing Mario to fall to Egg Island- and the adventure begins.  This game plays like other Nintendo plat-formers, but with a more child friendly theme.  Many textures look like crayon or pencil drawings, while the main characters are brightly colored and vibrant.  Their animation seamless and a pleasure to watch and play.  As with most recent Nintendo plat-formers, if the player is stuck at a point in the game, wings, then golden wings are available for usage.  These help Yoshi to fly, holding down the jump button, and make him invulnerable to most attacks.
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Ringling Brothers Circus, Coming to a Town Near You

03 20 14 046Last night, we headed on over to the IZOD Center to see the “Greatest Show On Earth”- The Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Baily Circus.  I personally love the circus, and would go see it even without kiddos.  What can I say, it’s a feel good kind of thing.  I used to think I was going to be in the circus when I was a kid- like, really and truly.  I may or may not have developed what may or may not be a somewhat “interesting” fascination” with all things circus.  So, now that you all know I’m odd (which really, you should have figured out by now), let’s talk about why the circus is awesome.

03 20 14 049What’s not to love?  Amazing acts, cute and funny animals performing with their trainers, people twisting and turning their bodies into insane shapes and contortions and doing things that literally make me spaz out in my seat because I’m worried they are going to fall or crash and crack their heads (don’t worry, they never do) is crazy.  And there is nothing like it in the world.  My son and I are usually entranced- but even the husband gets into it, and almost nothing does that.

03 20 14 034So what’s new this year?  Plenty.  (Don’t forget to get there early- you get go into the performance area and meet some of the stars and acts before the show starts if you plan ahead and don’t lollygag.  (Yeah, I said lollygag.  Enjoy.)

03 20 14 060The Greatest Show on Earth is coming to town! Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus’ new show, LEGENDS, will be in the New York & New Jersey area for a five-week run, starting February 20th. The brand new show features legendary ringmaster Johnathan Lee Iverson, who has been with Ringling Bros. since his debut as the first African-American ringmaster in the company’s history in 1998.
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Disney’s “Muppets Most Wanted” Hits Theaters Today!


Yes, yes- this is the UK poster- but variety is the spice of life! Muppets Most Wanted opens today in the USA- March 21. Takes time to get across the pond and all that.

Who doesn’t love the Muppets?  My husband and I have been watching them since we were kids, and loved the last movie that came out.  A sequel is always welcome.  We would, in fact, welcome a sequel to the  sequel- but would really love the Muppet Show to make a return to TV.  (Make it so, Disney channel!  Get poppin’! ) As they sing in this new movie, they are “considered a viable franchise”, so why not, right?  JUST DO IT!

OK, now that I’ve made my stand for Muppet Show equality, on to the movie.  I loved the addition of Constantine, and his tet-a tets with Ricky Gervais (AKA Dominic Badguy) were some of my favorite parts of the movie.  My favorite song was also via Constantine- but I won’t give away any spoilers, you will just have to watch it.  I guess I just have a soft spot for bad frogs.  Or Russian accents?  Or Ricky Gervais.  Or all of the above.  Anyway.

pic10All the Muppet gang were present, although I would have liked to have seen a little more Rolf and Gonzo.  There is just never enough Gonzo- although he did finally achieve a dream of his in this movie, much to the dismay of Salma Hayek.
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Just Announced: Bruno Mars Joins 2014 Gala

You’re invited to join us for an exciting and inspiring event  
on May 17, 2014 in New Orleans.
Make It Right’s 2014 gala will feature founder and event chairman Brad Pitt, internationally celebrated performing artists including Bruno Mars, award-winning chefs and inspiring conversations. A longer list of performers and special guests will be released over the next few weeks.
In addition to providing critical financial support, this extraordinary event will highlight the communities Make It Right is helping across the country – Hurricane Katrina victims in New Orleans, disabled veterans in Newark, New Jersey, underserved families in Kansas City, Missouri and Native Americans on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation in Montana.

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