Precision Sports Performance Hosts 2nd Annual Burn The Bird Day Event Proceeds Donated to Diva for a Day Foundation

 The 2nd annual “Burn the Bird” is back. Precision Sports Performance (PSP), the leaders in strength and conditioning training, invite teens and adults on Black Friday to come sweat out the calories on Friday, November 24 at 50 Williams Parkway, East Hanover, NJ. Many don’t realize that an average Thanksgiving plate has 4,500 calories. To help you get back on your fitness track, PSP will be offering three morning fitness classes; 8:30 a.m.9:45 a.m., and 11:00 a.m. All three classes will be taught by a licensed PSP coach.


The day will feature two of PSP’s most popular PrecisionSquad classes which encompasses a high-intestacy, boot-camp style workout aimed to improve strength, cardio, flexibility, agility and endurance. The PSP Power workout (offered at 8:30 a.m. and at 11:00 a.m.) is a one-stop-body-shock fitness program broken into three sections: weight training, core activation and conditioning. The PSP Peak workout (offered at 9:45 a.m.) is a dance-inspired, full body athletic based program that focuses on moves that sports-inspired exercises set to music. Each 55-minute class is offered to both teens and adults (16 and older).


Attendees will receive a PSP branded t-shirt at the completion of their PrecisionSquad class. Additional Black Friday promotions will include:

  • A 60-minute PSP Therapeutic Massage will be available to purchase for $60 (originally $105). Up to five massages can be purchased, and must be used by May 2018.
  • New PSP members will get a 10% discount towards a training package purchase.


A portion of the PSP PrecisionSquad class ticket sales will be donated to the Diva for a Day Foundation, an organization aimed to help women escape from the daily stresses she faces while battling cancer. The foundation provides days of pampering at participating salons and spas so she can rest, relax and restore her energy. The co-founder, Peggy Matzen, a breast cancer survivor, will be taking the 11:00 a.m. class, taught by her nephew, Andrew Moore, MS, NSCA-CSCS director of education at PSP.

Space is limited to 25 per class. To reserve your spot, please RSVP by emailing or call 973-585-6008.


For additional information, or to learn more about upcoming events and news,  please visit the Precision Sports Performance website (


About Precision Sports Performance

Precision Sports Performance is a training facility that offers strength training, flexibility, plyometrics, speed/agility and sports specific training to student athletes. Our proprietary programs are designed to support our athletes, making them both physically and mentally stronger on the field. At PSP, each athlete works side-by-side with our highly trained and well-respected coaches. As D1 athletes themselves, our coaches have a personal understanding of the college-level requirements, each student is expected to perform in. Additionally, our coaches have personal relationships with national college scouts, and have proudly trained both college and professional athletes.


WHEN:                Friday, November 24, 2017

8:30 a.m. – PSP Power Class

9:45 a.m. – PSP Peek Class

11:00 a.m. – PSP Power Class


WHERE:               Precision Sports Performance

50 Williams Parkway

East Hanover, NJ 07936


ADMISSION:      $25 per class

Call 973-585-6008


What is lurking in tap water, and how can you make it safe to drink?

Failing to drink enough water can have serious detrimental effects on your body. This is why it’s so important to make sure that you have access to plenty of this vital fluid. But, you also need to make sure that the water you are drinking is clean and fresh.

You may have seen a drinking fountain or water bubbler, in the office block where you work. These devices are there for a reason. They help to ensure that everyone has access to water that tastes good and is safe to drink.

    1. Why is the water from the tap not good enough?

Many people do drink water straight from the tap, but it’s not the best thing to do. When you see what can be present in tap water, you can understand why.

  • Chlorine that is used to treat the water at the water treatment plant.

  • Dirt that collects in the water as it’s pumped to your home.

  • Pesticides and other additives that can get into the water as it travels along water pipes, on its way to your domestic water supply.

Do you really want to drink any of these things? The good news is that there is a way of making sure you get only clean water in the glass that you fill.

    1. How do drinking fountains and water bubblers help?

Drinking fountains and water bubblers can be used to filter water. This means that the water you get from them is good to taste, and safe to drink. Of course, these types of filtration unit are most often used in large buildings, such as office blocks.

There are different types of filtration system that you can use in your home. Counter top units are one of the most affordable choices. They do not need to be plumbed in and they can simply be placed on the counter top in your kitchen, and attached to the tap. The downside of this type of system is that it takes up valuable space. The amount of water you can filter at one time is also relatively small.

You may prefer to invest in an under sink system, for which plumbing is required. The system is hidden away, and you are able to filter more water than you can with a counter top system.

Whichever water filtration system you choose, it can help make sure that the water which comes from the tap is safe for you and your family to drink. Substances such as dirt, chlorine and pesticides are filtered out. All that is left is pure water. This means that the drink you get tastes fresh, and not of chemicals. You can enjoy several refreshing glasses of water each day. Doing so helps to keep you hydrated which in turn helps to keep your body healthy. You can see just how important it is to make sure you have a plentiful supply of clean water in your home.

Cleaning with Mean Green – Keep Germs Away

It’s cold and flu season, and this time of year it’s extra important to keep the house clean. The kids bring home everything they touch at school- the one thing they ALWAYS share is germs- and it’s up to you to keep their take-homes off your spaces. Mean Green is great- they have a multitude of products to choose from, and it’s easy to keep them handy as you need them.

The Mean Green® Super Strength Heavy Duty Wipes are really great to keep around and very handy- they are “specially formulated to out-clean other brands on tough grease and grime. Easily removes grease, grime, oil, adhesives, and other tough messes from various surfaces. It’s ideal for the kitchen, bathroom, workshop, garage, DIY projects, construction sites, commercial cleaning, in the home, or on the move”. I keep some under the sink for those “fun” messes boys like to make near the toilet, as well as in the kitchen for spills and stickiness that paper towels just can’t deal with. They make fast work of these and more.


Easy to use, and effective, Mean Green works well on sinks, floors, bathtubs- and beyond. Better yet? The first time.

The entire Mean Green line are great cleaners and work great for their specific specialties.  I would highly suggest grabbing a few at your local retailer.

Dangers and Benefits of HGH

Using HGH is a great way to boost your productivity in sports alongside with modeling your perfect body. Not to mention tremendous HGH benefits for your health, these factors themselves paint a rather attractive picture. However, no matter how sad it may sound, there is no miraculous cure. Even HGH with all its pluses still has some downsides if there is either too much or too little of it in your body.

Excess of HGH

An excess of HGH in the body commonly leads to a pituitary tumor consisting of somatotroph cells in the anterior pituitary gland, called somatotroph adenomas. The adenoma grows slowly and progressively begins to manufacture more and more HGH. When the adenoma becomes large enough, it can cause severe headaches, vision impairment by putting pressure on the optic nerves and displace other pituitary hormones, thus causing their deficiency.

A prolonged excess would cause thickening of bones in the jaw, fingers and toes (called acromegaly), pressure on the nerves resulting in carpal tunnel syndrome, muscular weakness, extra production of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), type-2 diabetes (an uncommon form) and decreased sexual function.

Often recognized in a person’s 50’s, a pituitary tumor created due to excessive HGH may cause excessive growth (known as pituitary gigantism). This tumor rarely occurs in childhood.

HGH Deficiency

Depending on the age of an individual, Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD) effects differently on their health. In children, congenital malformations and genetics cause deficiency of HGH, which can lead to:

  • Short stature

  • Late growth for developmental age

  • Delayed puberty onset

  • Chubbiness (especially around the waist)

  • The child will look younger compared to others of his or her age

  • Prominent forehead

  • Slow growth of hair and teeth

  • Less than 2 inches of growth in height each year

In adults, GHD symptoms include:

  • Decreased energy and increased exhaustion

  • Less endurance

  • Decreased muscle mass

  • Decreased bone density and accelerated osteoporosis

  • Weight gain (especially around the waist)

  • Increased LDL cholesterol levels

  • Psychological problems including anxiety, issues with concentration, memory loss and depressed mood

  • Thin and dry skin and hair loss

  • Constant exhaustion

  • Increased risk of heart disease

  • Resistance to insulin

Although growth hormone deficiency is rare in adulthood, it can occur due to various conditions including:

  • Congenital causes, i.e. present since birth and related to an abnormal pituitary gland

  • Damage to the pituitary caused by radiation therapy for the head, a structural lesion, trauma, intracranial diseases or other such conditions

  • A pituitary adenoma

  • A continuation of a childhood problem

  • Acquired later in life (caused by infections, trauma, injury, brain tumors, radiation or surgery)

  • A very rare idiopathic form (of unknown cause)

  • Slow muscular and motor development (specifically motor milestones like standing, walking, jumping, etc.)

  • Delayed teeth growth

  • Hypoglycemia

  • Repeated jaundice occurrences

  • Episodic seizures

It is also important to differentiate between GHD acquired through medical conditions and normal ageing. In normal ageing, the natural production of HGH by the pituitary gland begins to decline.

Side Effects of HGH

The misuse or excessive use of HGH can bring:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome marked by feeling “pins and needles” on the palms and fingers, especially if strain is placed on the wrist (during workouts); however, this is a temporary side effect which fades away lower dosage

  • Water retention, which leads to the fingers feeling swollen and the face looking fuller

  • Morning aches characterized by slight pain in the fingers, toes, joints and muscles; however, the pain goes away after a few minutes of waking up

  • Hypoglycemia manifested in a sudden burst of hunger and a drop in blood sugar

  • Acromegaly, which is the enlargement of fingers, bones and organs

  • Hypothyroidism, which is a deficiency in the thyroid hormone’s production

  • Nausea

  • Dizziness

  • Respiratory infection

  • Numbness of the skin

  • Moderate edema which is swelling caused by fluid in the body’s tissue

  • Headaches

  • Joint pain

  • Short-term type-2 diabetes

  • Nerve, muscle or joint pain

  • High cholesterol levels

  • Growth of cancerous tumors

These side effects can be very severe for a person abusing human growth hormone, however, they can be avoided easily with proper guidance. One of the easiest ways to avoid the short-term side effects of HGH (like carpal tunnel syndrome or water retention) is to lower the dose taken per day.

Even with such risky side effects, HGH is still widely used by lots of people and is prescribed by medical professionals for certain conditions.

Uses of HGH

Children with the following conditions are prescribed HGH by medical professionals:

  • Turner’s syndrome (a genetic disorder which impacts a girl’s development)

  • Prader-Willi syndrome (a genetic disorder which causes poor muscle tone, decrease in sex hormones and continuous hunger)

  • Incessant kidney disease

  • HGH deficiency or insufficiency

  • Children born small for their age

In adults, HGH is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • Short bowel syndrome (a condition where the absorption of nutrients is improper because of an intestinal disease or the surgical removal of a portion of the small intestine)

  • Pituitary tumors caused by HGH deficiency

  • Muscle wasting caused by AIDS/HIV

Other than its medical uses, HGH is taken for other purposes including:

  • Body building

  • Anti-aging

  • Weight loss

  • By athletes for gaining muscle mass and performance enhancement

  • Improving sex life

HGH often offers desired results when used right.

Benefits of HGH

The benefits of HGH for both men and women include:

  • Reduction of fat by accelerating lipolysis

  • Increased muscle mass and strength by promoting the synthesis of collagen in the skeletal muscles and tendons

  • The tightening of skin, which leads to the disappearance of wrinkles

  • Increased cardiovascular function, which leads to increased vitality and reduced risk for cardiovascular diseases

  • The growth of hair (which becomes thicker as well)

  • Libido and sexual performance are increased

  • Improved vision and hearing

  • Faster healing of wounds and fractures through the application of IGF-1

  • Increased endurance

  • Enhanced energy and less fatigue

  • Improved mood (reduction in mood swings and depression)

  • Decreased joint and muscle pain that is a natural result of aging

  • Enhanced metabolism

  • Increased growth of lean tissue

  • Better sleep quality

  • Improved blood pressure

  • Relief from muscle wasting associated to diseases like AIDS/HIV

  • Prevention of osteoporosis

HGH Benefits for women include:

  • Avoidance of premature aging of the body (including sagging of breasts, belly fat and the wrinkles)

  • Enhancement of the immune system

  • Helps menopausal and perimenopausal symptoms

  • Improvement in the elasticity of the skin, which leads to elimination of wrinkles

The psychological benefits of HGH include:

  • Improved quality of life by promoting emotional and mental well-being, thus boosting mood and decreasing depression

  • Improved cognitive functioning including memory, learning and concentration

The benefits of HGH are endless and they can be seen within an instant after taking the first dose. The timeline of the effects is quite satisfying. Compared to all these benefits, the potential dangers of HGH seem less scary and even appear easy to avoid.


4 Tips to losing weight in a healthy way with a proven program

It is no secret that we live in a busy world where it seems as if there are not enough hours in the day to get all of your tasks done. It is no wonder that people are resorting to eating fast food in between meetings or on their way home from a long day at the office. Because life is so busy and work expects more from employees than ever before, it can be hard to come home and have the energy to cook a nice meal for your family. In addition, it can be even harder to carve out an hour a day to spend on fitness activities. It is no wonder that people are more obese than ever before. Many feel that they are so overweight that there is no way that they could possibly lose enough weight to feel good about themselves anymore. This could not be farther from the case, however. This article will provide some great tips to help you lose weight in a healthy way with a proven program such as Nutrisystem.

Nutrisystem is a program that anyone can participate in regardless of your size, age, or economic status. There are a variety of programs offered no matter what your budget is. You can learn more on this website. Now for some tips on how to lose weight in a healthy way.

  1. Follow the plan. The best way to have great results is to follow the plan that is laid out for you. The plan is evidence-based and has been proven by thousands to work well. If you follow the plan, not only will you lose weight but you will be able to feel a difference in how you feel overall based on the food that you are eating. Once you ditch the fast food and other processed foods that are full of fillers and sugar, you will feel happier and more energized than you have in a long time.
  2. Ditch the processed foods. When you eliminate processed foods from your diet, you will notice a change in how you feel overall. Your mood will be happier and you will experience less headaches. When you eliminate processed foods, you will find that you no longer feel down and depressed, bloated, or suffer from intense headaches like you did when you were eating fast food and other processed foods on a regular basis.
  3. Spend time with those who respect your new lifestyle. When you spend time with those who respect your new lifestyle and support you in wanting to lose weight, you will be more successful than if you continue to spend time with those who do not have the same goals. It can be tough to hang out with friends who want to eat out all the time and do not understand when you say no. It can also be a challenge when your friends encourage you to “cheat” or they continue to pressure you to go off your diet. A good friend will support you and encourage you NOT to go off of your diet.

Don’t give up. Losing weight is hard work. It does not fall off overnight and it can be disheartening when you thought you had a great week to only find out that you didn’t lose anything or worse, you gained some weight. The best thing to do is to keep at it and evaluate how you did that week. What was different from in past weeks when you did lose weight? When you begin to pay attention to your activities and your behavior, you will notice patterns that work well for you and those that do not.

Provasil for Brain Health: Is it the Best Memory Supplement on the Market?

Overview of provasil and brain health

Taking care of both physical health and brain health is necessary. The human brain is a delicate and important organ in the human body, which is not free from dangers. And, the people are likely to face many problems associated with a brain with aging.

There are also many old people who are likely to suffer from various brain diseases, such as Alzheimer, Parkinson’s disease, and so on. According to the statistics, around 5.4 million Americans are diagnosed with Alzheimer disease, and this number is projected to triple by 2050. Furthermore, 1 in 10 people age 65 and above is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s dementia.

The decline of cognitive abilities is very natural as a person starts to age, but the good news is that the cognitive decline can be slowed down. There are ways to reduce the risk of brain diseases. One of the best ways to reduce the rate of cognitive decline is the consumption of supplement.

Provasil is the supplement that is designed to enhance the memory, focus, and concentration. This supplement can be purchased online via its official website. Its official website is very professional and informative, and all the required information can be easily found on the website.

How does Provasil work?

The manufacturer of Provasil claims to have many positive effects on cognitive functions of the human brain. This supplement contains natural Nootropics that have the power to reverse the conditions, such as forgetfulness, lack of focus, brain fog, and other aging symptoms in a non-addictive way.

Some of the best natural ingredients are used by the manufacturer of this product to make it very effective. These ingredients are not only effective in enhancing the brain’s membrane structure, but it also dulls down the cell-damaging free radicals. The anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory impacts of this supplement helps in keeping the brain active and healthy.

Some of the key ingredients that are used in this supplement are:

  • Vitamin C – The antioxidant properties that are found in vitamin C improve memory and relieve stress. And, the folic acid is required for enhancing the cognitive function of adults.

  • Vitamin B12 – This nutrient is found in foods, such as eggs, milk, poultry, and others. It helps in promoting brain health, and biotin assists the central nervous system.

  • Phosphatidylserine – This ingredient enhances the growth of brain cells. The L-Glutamine plays a role in supporting mental health and ward off ammonia from the brain.

  • Resveratrol – It is an antioxidant, which is known for its positive long-term effects on memory.

  • DHA – DHA is a fatty acid. It is an essential fatty acid that can be found in various foods, which aids in overall brain functions.

  • Choline Bitartrate – The intake of this ingredient can help in increasing concentration and alertness. L-Tysorine enhances a person’s overall brain health.

  • N-Acetyl Carnitine – The acetylcholine level in the brain is boosted after the intake of N-Acetyl Carnitine. This enhances the power to store and recall.

  • Bacopa – The learning power of the brain is enhanced by the consumption of this ingredient.

  • Ginkgo – It is an antioxidant, which boosts the blood circulation.

  • Phosphatidylcholine – The aging process of the brain is slowed down by this ingredient.

It is suggested to take 1-2 pills a day with a meal. If the aging symptoms are at peak in the afternoon, then afternoon would be the best time to take this pill. After regular consumption of this supplement, you are likely to experience an improved mental performance.

What makes Provasil the better option?

Provasil is a natural supplement that uses all the natural ingredients. It is a product that has plenty of amazing reviews, and its customers are happy with this product. The official website is very informative, and the customer support is excellent as well.

Because this product is all natural, there are no dangerous side effects of consuming this product. Furthermore, the manufacturer has offered a money back guarantee on this product. This means that you have an option to return this product back to the manufacturer if this product does not deliver the result to you.

When you search the query “how to improve memory?” you will find many websites that are selling memory pills. But, the thing is that many products’ websites do not offer a genuine product, customer support, and they also lack nice reviews on their products.

Are there any side effects of Provasil?

There are no dangerous side effects of consuming Provasil, as this supplement is all natural. However, there are some recommendations that come with this product.

It is preferred not be consumed on an empty stomach. The women who nurse or pregnant should also take their precautions like any other supplement.

Benefits of Provasil:

Provasil is among the top memory pills on the market, and it comes up with plenty of benefits. Here are some of the benefits of Provasil.

  • This supplement is an all-natural product, which makes it free of side effects.

  • The several areas of cognitive health are improved with the use of this supplement.

  • The money back guarantee is available with this product.

  • There are plenty of customers’ reviews and testimonials, which show how this product has impacted the lives of many people before.

  • The ingredients used in this product are very effective in enhancing brain health. All the ingredients are listed and explained in a detailed manner on its official website.

  • There are free gifts and bonuses offered with the purchase of this product.


Provasil is one of the many supplements that are available on the market. However, it’s not a guarantee that all the products are effective. After considering various factors, such as price, ingredients, customer service, and reviews, it can be said that Provasil is a very effective supplement that can help you to enhance your brain health.

There is no harm in giving it a try, as it has a money back guarantee. However, it’s recommended to consult a doctor before consuming any supplements.


Also, watch video on: Provasil – Powerful All-Natural Memory and Focus Enhancer


Author Bio:

Sophie Addison is a popular blogger. She is very passionate about writing about health and beauty. She has posted articles on skincare tips, joint pain treatment, weight loss and fitness news. Apart from work she likes gardening and listening to the music. You can also contact her on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Friendship and the Spa @FriendshipDairies #ThePowerofFriendship

Friendship is a beautiful thing. Friends offer you comfort, support, share laughs, and and bring you joy. They also sometimes drag you places you never thought you would go or to do things you never imagined. There are times that these adventures open our eyes to whole new experiences that enhance our lives. I will also confess there have been times I say one and done to such adventures, but not so with my trip to the Korean Spa.

I knew what spas were, women and men walking around in robes as they were pampered in one way or another. I confess I had never experienced more than a massage myself. I walked down to the room then crawled in just my panties under the sheets to be enjoyably rubbed down and relaxed. Even that level of nudity made me somewhat uncomfortable, because lets face it, we all have some reservations about certain parts of our body. I certainly don’t fit the Barbie body model.

This is where friendship took me to a place I had never been before, a whole new level of spa, the Korean Spa. My friend Carrie convinced me that this was something not to be missed and I confess I am always up for a challenge. Even if the idea is terrifying. So I embarked on a trip to the Korean Spa or as my friend sometimes calls it, naked lady bonding time, lol.

The closest you have likely come if you have never had the experience yourself is the gym locker room and sauna. There are usually one or two women that strut their stuff in the buff. These are not always the young, or the fittest, but they are confident and not afraid to be exposed in front of strangers while the rest of us hover in a corner trying to show as little as possible. Well at the Korean Spa you have no choice but to let it all hang out, which is a hurdle only friendship got me over.

The ladies locker room at a Korean Spa has wonderful amenities. Hot and cold pools, wet and dry saunas, and lines of showers for you to scrub down in. Oh, and everywhere you look naked women. You aren’t allowed to wear bathing suits, there are no robes in the area or even many towels until you are done and really ready to dry off. I think this is in part just practical or the spa would go through more laundry then is reasonable. There is also a cultural element. This is just how the Korean people were adjusted to women coming together to bathe. Very not the norm for Americans.

At first I was very uncomfortable being so exposed, not only in front of strangers, but my friend as well. Then the longer I was there the more I realized there was nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. When everyone is naked no one is looking. There were women of ever shape and size unabashedly walking around, enjoying the spa, and completely comfortable. It was an eye opening experience and truly beautiful. I felt more confident and comfortable as I stayed and sweat in the steam rooms. I lost my reservations and self-consciousness as I went into the pools of water. I left that spa loving my body more than I ever had before and appreciating my friend more for bringing me this new adventure.

Since then I have introduced other friends to the Korean Spa experience and repeated my trips regularly. I always leave feeling comfortable, confident, and relaxed after. I thank my friend for taking me somewhere I would not have been brave enough to go alone. It was amazing to be exposed literally around other women and not judged. I am thankful to and for my friends and also the other women there that form a sisterhood. I wish that feeling of freedom continued throughout all of my experiences with my clothes on.

Check out this video about the power of friendship-

5 Tips to finding the best oral surgeons in Reseda, California

There are many people who honestly do not like going to the dentist. From small children to grown adults, it seems that dentist appointments are one of those things they like to put off or forget altogether.


Because of this, the teeth deteriorate to the point that the person might need surgery. While it an occurrence that can be avoided, it the situation gets to that point, there’s no other choice but to go to an oral surgeon.


If you will be undergoing such procedures such as wisdom tooth extraction, dental implants or the like, make sure that the oral surgeon you get will really be able to deliver good results. Check out the tips you can follow as you canvass for the oral surgeon whose services you will avail.


  1. Look for one who knows how to communicate – this is important, especially for those who are already afraid of going to the dentist. You want to make sure that your dental health provider will be able to make you feel at ease. Look for one that is willing to explain the procedure to you, and who is always willing to answer any query you might have, whether personally or through phone or SMS.


  1. Check that their credentials are valid – not all dentists can do oral surgery. They have different specialties much like a doctor has. So, do your research and find out the exact specialist that you need for the procedure that you want to undergo. Call the office or check the website to find if they have a dentist with the specialty that you are looking for, so as not to waste time booking an appointment only to find out that they cannot give you the service that you need.


  1. Ensure that they use the latest technology – it’s important that your dentist has kept up with the changes in the field of dentistry. This field is one of those that have experienced a lot of innovations over the years and you want to make sure that they have studied on the more modern technology even if they have been in the field for more than 20 years.


  1. Check to see that they have more than enough years of experience in the field – there’s something about experiencing a situation first-hand that’s very different from just learning about it through videos or instruction. When your dentist has had years of experience, you can be assured that they will know what to do even in times when there may be surprises during the actual procedure itself.


  1. Look for online reviews and recommendations – make sure you also look at how satisfied the past customers of the dentists were. There are usually reviews that are placed on the website. If you do not trust them, you can check out online forums for more reviews, or even better, ask friends if they have any dentist they can recommend to you.


If you are residing in Reseda, check out . They not only have experienced dentists but also make use of the latest technology so you can be assured that you are getting your money’s worth for whatever service you will avail.