3 Surprising ways to help chronically ill patients

The following is a guest post, and the views reflect those of the author. Enjoy.

While marijuana remains a debated topic among many within the United States, many people who are chronically ill swear by the natural substance that helps them experience relief from pain associated by their illness. While studies typically focused on chronically ill patients, there have now been many studies conducted on those who experience autoimmune diseases. This article will explore some surprising effects that marijuana can have on ill patients.

  1. It is common to hear about cancer patients utilizing marijuana in pill form during the final stages of life to help manage pain. It is less common however to hear about patients who are diagnosed with other common ailments such as but not limited to asthma and Crohn’s disease. In fact, in a small study conducted in 2015, researches found that over a three month period, Crohn’s patients experienced less pain and diarrhea when inhaling cannabis on a regular basis than before. In some instances, patients even gained weight and made them happier.
  2. Other studies have found that there are even more surprising facts about cannabis use among those who suffer from Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, tourette’s, and glaucoma. In fact, cannabis has been found to slow the spreading of HIV/Aids and halts the long-term affects of Alzheimer’s. While patients who are typically given access to this product are in the late stages of life, there is no doubt that cannabis helps them cope, feel less pain, and experience a more relaxed state of being.
  3. While some say that using medical marijuana is inconsistent in its results, those that use it report feeling less anxious, more relaxed, and all around happier than before they started using the drug. Some physicians also claim that while many prescribed drugs can cause adverse side effects, medical marijuana provides less and often times many will not notice anything at all.

When the mainstream population thinks of consuming marijuana for medicinal purposes, they often think of smoking the plant. While this is certainly a way to access its’ benefits, the better way to receive positive results is by eating it. Some are crushing the plant into small sugar-like granules to bake with. Others are mixing the plant in with their other produce to make a healthy smoothy. Some are even getting creative and making cannabis cheese fries. There are a variety of ways to utilize the plant to reap its’ benefits. All you have to do is have an open mind and get creative in the kitchen.
The research is fascinating and as the topic remains one of great interest among legislators in many states, it is quite possible that society will be accessing cannabis products for home medicinal use in the near future. If you live in a state in which you can legally purchase the product along with supplies for it, check out Medpot.net for the latest and greatest in home care products. While the product remains one of great controversy, research continues to be conducted and it is likely that more patients will be accessing the plant for medicinal purposes and for quality of life reasons.

3 healthcare epidemics that are on the rise in Ohio

Ohio, like much of the America, is struggling to combat a number of particular issues within the healthcare arena. Here are 3 healthcare epidemics that are currently on the rise in Ohio.

  1. Prescription medication abuse

Over the last few years, the number of people struggling with addiction to prescription drugs such as antidepressants or painkillers has skyrocketed and Ohio is no exception. Drugs such as vicodin, or oxycontin have been prescribed in record numbers leading to a spike in the number of people developing addictions to these drugs. These drugs often act as gateways to hard drugs and this has been one of the causes of Ohio’s serious opioid problem. But steps are now being taken to combat this issue.

On the 30th March 2017, Ohio Gov. John Kasich announced plans to limit prescriptions of narcotic painkillers to 7 days, down from 30 or even 90 days under the old law. This law will apply to doctors, dentists, or prescribing nurses. It is hoped that this step will help curb the epidemic of prescription drug abuse in Ohio.

  1. Diabetes

According to the Center for Disease Control (‘CDC’), Ohio is ranked 5th in state rankings for levels of diabetes in 2016. Last year, in the Greater Cincinnati area alone there were almost 300,000 people diagnosed with diabetes and in Ohio alone there are currently 850,000 people living with diabetes. This figure is set to rise year on year. With causal factors linked to obesity and lifestyle, diabetes is costing the Ohio people billions of dollars a year in missed work and health care fees. There are however, a number of charities currently working on education and lifestyle programs aimed at tackling the causes of this epidemic.

  1. Heroin

Perhaps the most serious issue facing police, law makers, and healthcare workers in Ohio is the use of heroin. Figures released in November 2016 showed that Ohio led the United States in opioid overdoses. In 2014 there were 2016 fatalities due to heroin overdoses. In 2015, this figure had risen to 3050, the highest in the USA. And sadly, this epidemic shows no signs of slowing down, with figures for 2017, already showing around a 20% increase in the number of deaths since last year. As the number of deaths from prescription medications have leveled out thanks to a concerted effort by the state, they have been met by an increase in the number of people using hard drugs such as heroin or fentanyl. The problem has gotten so bad that in March 2017, the New York Times reported that the number of deaths from drug use in Ohio was so high that cold storage trailers were being brought in to be used as morgues.

But thankfully there are organizations out there that are looking to help try and reduce these shocking statistics. Organizations such as Ohio Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers are there to offer help to recovering addicts. With centers located throughout Ohio, they can offer sanctuary from the torment of addiction and provide help and support to those affected by addiction. You can find out more on their website here.

4 steps to finding the right treatment center

There are several things to consider when deciding to seek assistance for addiction or any issue that you need help overcoming. Often times people are afraid to discuss the topic of recovery or treatment because there is a stigma attached to the notion of having an addiction. What many do not realize is that having an addiction is not something that can be handled over night and it should be treated with the same care and concern as someone who needs help because they have a disease. Addiction can be considered a silent disease as it is not always easily detectable nor is it popular to discuss. If you or someone you know are interested in learning more about finding the right treatment center, here are 4 things to think about before making a final selection.


  • Type of therapy. This is very important to think about as the type of treatment you commit to can vary greatly. You should take into consideration that there are some treatment centers that offer inpatient and outpatient options. Other centers offer individual or group therapy. For instance, it is best to check their locations as you may not be able to participate in outpatient treatment if you live several hours away. If you know that your likelihood to be successful is increased if you stay at the facility and complete a longer term program, choosing an inpatient program may be the better option.
  • Insurance coverage and costs. Before making a commitment to attend a treatment center, it is best to contact your insurance company and check to see if you will receive any type of coverage. If your plan does not offer monetary assistance, you will need to take a look at your finances and analyze your budget. If you are unable to afford the treatment center, there may be staff at the center that can help you come up with payment options.
  • Program type. The program type can be a very important factor as it will determine if you will be involved in a program that is religious based or not. Some programs use a 12 step system, others use different methods.
  • Resources and Support. Perhaps this is the most crucial aspect of choosing a treatment center. The resources and support offered to you while in the program and afterwards is critical in your long-term success. Look for a center that will provide support in the form of friendships, lifestyle coaching, and even family support. Not only will it be important for you to make a lifestyle change after completing a treatment program, but your family will also need to participate in changing their lifestyle as well. Many family members may be shocked that they are being asked to learn about addiction and how to be supportive as well as learn what habits, themselves, need to change for the better. Family members often have a hard time taking responsibility in changing their behavior as they do not believe that they have a “problem.” What family members do not understand, sometimes, is that their actions can trigger or cause a relapse. For example, if your brother decides to have a drink in front of you right after you got out of rehab, it is likely you may want to have a drink. Now this is not to say that you are not responsible for your actions, you certainly are. However there are some things that you will need your family to change such as offering you a drink when you have been sober and are trying to remain clean.


Attending a treatment center takes time, consideration, and a great deal of research to find a place that will meet your needs, be within your budget, offer the program type of interest, as well as provide support and resources for you after the program.

3 ways that yoga practice can change your life

There are many fitness activities to choose from that help you enhance your overall wellness. Some people choose to participate in crossfit, running, pure barre, or organized classes. Others choose to commit to taking a yoga class several times a week such as those featured on tantrayogathailand.com.

Because of the myth that yoga is not a calorie-inducing workout, many do not give it a try. The beauty in yoga is that you not only focus on working out your body, but also you mind and soul. Yoga provides an opportunity to connect with oneself in a way that no other fitness activity can provide. This article will explore ways in which adding yoga practice to your fitness routine can change your life.

Release stress and calms your mind.

There are different types of yoga. Power, or Bikram yoga is practiced in a heated studio and is often vigorous causing a lot of sweat and work of all the muscles in your body. It is tough, but also very rewarding. Restorative yoga is more relaxing and although you do not sweat profusely like you do in bikram, you are helping your muscles to restore and rejuvenate. No matter what type of yoga practice you try, you will notice a sense of stress relief and calmness of the mind. Yoga teachers guide you through practice while teaching you how to breath properly to relieve stress as well as get a deeper stretch in your pose.

Teaches you to “Let Go” of things you cannot control.

While you do work on your flexibility of your body in yoga, you also learn how to focus on yourself and not others around you. Focusing on yourself and on what you can control in your life and letting go of everything else is a key aspect of how yoga can change your life. Everyday stressors that weigh on your mind and cause internal turmoil will become minimal after you begin to practice yoga. There is a sense of acceptance and letting go that you will experience over time after making yoga a part of your lifestyle.

Mind/Body Connection.

One of the most beautiful aspects of being a yogi, is that you have a sense of connection with your mind and your body. You will learn how to practice breathing techniques at home that will help you calm down before sleeping as well as relax when you feel yourself becoming anxious over life’s many stressors. You will also learn how to identify when your body needs a break as well as how to care for yourself in healthier ways.
Yoga is life changing for many which is why it has become a very popular activity for men and women alike. Additionally, yoga classes are now even offered for children and families, elderly, and pregnant women. No longer is yoga only a fitness regime offered for adults. Because it is so empowering and a fitness activity that anyone can participate in regardless of body type or ability, it is now highly coveted by our society. Yoga provides an outlet to relieve stress, connect with your mind, body, and spirit, as well as release stress and calm your mind.

Teaching Kids the Importance of Healthy Eating and Exercise

There are some scary statistics out there, but few come close to the growing childhood obesity rate. Currently, about one in five school-aged children are obese and many more are overweight. Even worse is that obese children are more likely to be obese as adults.

The problem is a combination of diet and lack of physical activity. In today’s culture there are too many fast food options and too much couch-based entertainment. The sooner you can start breaking bad habits and encouraging the good ones, the easier it will be for your whole family to live a healthy lifestyle. Use these 10 tips to teach your kids the importance of eating healthy and exercising.

Know What’s Healthy

Before you can help your kids make better food and exercise choices, you have to know what is and isn’t healthy. You can do that by:

  • ·  Checking the nutritional labels of food.
  • ·  Reading through the most recent dietary guidelines.
  • ·  Knowing which produce is most susceptible to pesticides.
  • ·  Talking with your pediatrician.

Set Limits and Set a Good Example

One of the most important things a parent can do is set limits. Without clear limitations, kids are left to make the judgment call themselves, which isn’t usually the healthiest option. Kids can benefit from both screen time limits and junk food limits.

It’s also important for parents to set a good example. How can we expect our kids to make healthy choices if we ourselves aren’t doing the same? Do your part by buying healthy foods and getting the recommended amount of weekly physical activity.

Join a Family-Friendly Gym

When it comes to physical activity it helps to have access to gym equipment, pools, tracks and other fitness amenities. Joining a family-friendly gym like Fitness 19 can encourage kids to be active. It’s also a good way to show your kids that there are lots of ways to exercise and get them immersed in an environment that promotes physical activity.

Get Your Kids a Playset

One of the quickest ways to get kids running around outside is to put a playset in the yard. Kids will spend hours swinging, sliding and climbing without ever realizing they’re getting exercise.

Take Family Hikes

There are many benefits to hiking a nature trail and these go beyond just exercise. New research is finding that walks out in nature can reduce stress while helping quiet negative thoughts. Family hikes are also a great activity since it’s exercise you can do together.

Sign Up for a Sports Team

Like hiking, joining a sports team can be beneficial beyond getting physical activity. Research has shown that kids who join a sports team:

  • ·  Develop leadership skills
  • ·  Build camaraderie and teamwork skills
  • ·  Gain a sense of belonging
  • ·  Improve their social skills
  • ·  Are less likely to be overweight or obese

Create a Menu of Healthy, Kid-Friendly Food

Make a conscious effort to eat out less and make more healthy meals at home. Meal planning is one of the best ways to help your family stick to a healthy diet. When you’re trying to help your kids develop healthy eating habits it’s a good idea to make the menu kid-friendly. There are lots of recipes with healthy alternatives to kid favorites, like homemade chicken fingers and hamburger salad.

Pack Healthy Lunches

Follow up dinner with a healthy lunch the next day. Some schools have gotten better about the foods that are served to students, but it’s still usually healthier to pack your kid’s lunch. Just make sure to keep the portions appropriate and cover all the food groups.

Make Healthy Snacks Easily Accessible

One reason kids reach for unhealthy snacks is they’re easy to eat. Processed snacks are already prepared and ready to be eaten. You can encourage your kids to eat healthier snacks by buying pre-packed options or preparing them at home. Fruit is a good example. If you wash it, cut it up and put it into a container kids will be more likely to grab it when they are looking for something to eat.

Get Your Kids Involved

No matter how you decide to get healthy, you’ll want to get your kids involved in the process. Take them grocery shopping at the farmer’s market, let them help you create a weekly dinner menu and allow them to choose their own physical activities. The more involved they are in the decision making the more invested they’ll be in the results.


6 health gurus to follow on Instagram in 2017

Getting fit is among the priorities that most people like to put on the top of their list. It’s no wonder with all the work-related stress, unhealthy food, and inactivity that we are all exposed to. But sometimes getting fit is easier said than done. And so, we need a little more push, a little more motivation, and a little more inspiration to get moving. Look no further because here are some  top fitness gurus with the most likes on Instagram that are worth following.

Jeanette Jenkins (@MsJeanetteJenkins). Being a celebrity trainer and nutritionist, she is one fit lady that will motivate you to get up and get moving. She has over 25 years of experience as a health and fitness expert and has trained celebrities like Pink and Kelly Rowland. Her Instagram account showcases workouts, healthy eating advice, and positive thinking.

Natalie Uhling (@natalieuhling). This lady is a beauty both inside and out because she puts in the work needed to be fit and to stay fit. She is known for creating NUFit and for being an international movement specialist. NUFit is a combination of kickboxing, dance, and total-body toning that will surely get your body moving and sweating. Her Instagram account features a lot of movement with pictures of her doing handstands and kickboxing, as well as videos that will inspire you to build your balance and be stronger.

Keoni Hudoba (@keonihudoba). Keoni Hudoba was once overweight, weighing around 300 plus pounds. He decided to turn his life around and lose weight. Now, he is a master trainer and is known for creating the Cyc Fitness indoor spin class workout. You’ll find a lot of motivation and challenges on his Instagram account with his complex moves that will involve bringing a friend along for your fitness training. So team up with your buddy and get in on the action.

Massy Arias (@massy.arias). Massy Arias is a health coach and personal trainer that has a massive 2.2 million people following her account. She was born in the Dominican Republic but has been living in America since she was 14 years old. Her Instagram account has captions that are both in English and Spanish and provides inspiration for getting fit as well as inspiration to eat well. Find your balance and take your workout up a notch with her fitness training.

Amanda Bisk (@amandabisk). Get fit and motivated with yoga, fitness inspired routines and workouts, and beautiful scenery. This is what you’ll get from Amanda Bisk, a former Australian pole vaulter and at present, an exercise physiologist, athletics coach, and yoga instructor. You’ll be inspired by the story of her journey from being an athlete to what she is now. Be prepared to bend and stretch with her yoga moves.

Jessamyn Stanley (@MyNameIsJessamyn). Being fit does not necessarily mean having a certain body type. This rings true in Jessamyn Stanley’s Instagram account where she posts about yoga and being positive about your body. She is a yoga teacher, a writer, and a body acceptance advocate. So no matter what body type you have, believe that you can do yoga.

Aloe Vera Drink: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse

Aloe Vera is nothing short of a wonder plant, been used for centuries as a miracle drug for cuts, burns and other external injuries; Aloe Vera in the present day is used as the main ingredient in many skin care products and medicines. But in addition to that, the aloe vera drink is also one of its many uses. Like its external benefits, its internal benefits are even more as it makes for a great internal cleanser, weight loss ingredients and is filled with tons of nutrients and vitamins. If you want to live a healthier life, then an aloe vera drink is your best friend.

Though you can quite easily make an aloe vera drink yourself, there are many readymade options available in the market which come combined with different ingredients to add flavor, color and even more vitamins and minerals. The best thing about and aloe vera drink is that it is completely natural, and that means there are no side effects, and you can have this all natural rejuvenating drink without any fear or worry. An Aloe Vera Drink is extremely easy to make, all you need is some aloe vera juice and then add it to any other fruit juice or shake and drink; though you can have it on its own by adding just the juice and water, but adding fruit juice and shakes makes it much more tasty. But if you’re looking for something that doesn’t require that much of an effort, you can buy a readymade bottled aloe vera drink, right off the shelf of your corner store. Though you will find tons of brands out there that offer them, Okyalo is a brand which produces the highest quality for the fairest of prices.

They have many flavors available and in different sizes too. You can either choose the plain aloe vera drink, with no Preservatives, no GMO, no artificial flavor and no artificial coloring. And the best part is that it only contains 5g sugar/100ml to keep your body fit and healthy. There is the strawberry flavor as well, which adds a bit of Vitamin C (from the Strawberries) into the mix. Then there is the mango flavor, which is one of the most common flavors in the world. In addition to that, pineapple flavor is also available because it is loaded with a potent and unique nutritional profile. No matter for improved digestion, arthritis treatment, or better skin. And finally we have the Lychee and Peach flavors as well.

These drinks are available in 500ml bottles and 1.5L bottles, in all the flavors mentioned before. Whether you wish to make one for yourself, or buy one off the shelf; next time when you need a drink, the aloe vera drink is the thing to get for an all natural, refreshing and rejuvenating drink that is all benefits and zero side effects.

New Merck Manual Consumer App Is Perfect for on the Go Moms @MerckManualHome

Disclaimer: this is a sponsored post, but the opinions and reviews are completely my own.

Merck Consumer App

When you travel, particularly this time of year, it can be hard to avoid the inevitable illness. Whether it’s just a minor sniffle or a stomach virus, traveling when you’re sick can be a real bummer. What’s worse, when you’re away from home, it can be hard to know where to turn for medical advice. The Merck Manual Consumer app can take a lot of the worry out of travel—particularly with sick kids.

The Merck Manual Consumer App can be an invaluable resource for you. Interactive quizzes, symptom checkers, and medical advice can all be found quickly and easily by navigating through the free app interface and put many of your worries to rest. Know when to contact a doctor or when to treat symptoms while on the go.

The free app is also a great way of staying in charge of your own and your family’s healthcare needs—particularly if you are managing an already diagnosed health condition. FAQs, types of tests, symptoms, medications, and side effects are discussed for a wide range of health concerns. There’s no reason to put your life and travels on hold when you can have access to a wide range of health-related questions and answers at your fingertips.

There’s no doubt about it—there are few things as awful as trying to manage traveling and globetrotting while you’re sick—except maybe having a kiddo who’s sick while on the go. Travel and exposure to other cultures are one of the most important things you can give your child. Experiences are lessons they will take with them the rest of their lives. However, being sick can put a damper on those experiences, and worrying about your kids while you are away from home and away from your pediatrician can turn a magical experience into a nightmare. The Merck Manual Consumer app takes a lot of the guesswork out of managing an illness while on the road. Whether it is a chronic illness or the nasty flu bug going around, you can have up-to-date answers with the app right on your device.

Sometimes it can be hard explaining to your kiddo what is going to happen during a particular test or procedure. The super awesome free Merck Manual Consumer app has some videos available. How neat is it that you can show your kid what happens during an X-ray? It takes a lot of the fear and stress out of it when they know what to expect and can watch it firsthand. Granted, the videos are simulated images, so they look sort of like cartoons. Then again, for a lot of kids, I know that is a definite plus.

Merck Consumer App

There are a lot of great things about this app, but one of the best is the symptom checker. Picture this: you’re sitting in a cramped airplane, and the guy next to you is hacking up a lung. With a few quick pieces of info, you can determine if he has asthma or if he has the plague. Then you can easily share that information with him by text or email. You can also easily share it with your healthcare professional too!

You can download the app for FREE! There’s no registration required, and the app does not gather or use any personal information. For Android users, visit the Google Play store and download the app here. iPhone users can visit the iTunes App Store and download it here. You can also find more information about it on their website.

Don’t let a little cold or flu keep you and your family from setting out to discover the world. Find your next adventure, wherever it may be.  Also, did I mention the app is FREE? Yep, my favorite price. Try it for yourself and let me know what you think!

Don’t know whether that sniffle is allergies or needs medical attention while traveling? The Merck Manual Consumer App can help you decide whether to keep those travel plans or make an appt. ASAP!