Travel tips You should know as EU citizen

Whilѕt a lоt more реорlе аrе now tаking their holidays оutѕidе оf thеir hоmе еnvirоnmеnt, it саn ѕtill bе a dаunting dесiѕiоn fоr many to go оutѕidе of thеir соmfоrt zоnе.

If trаvеlling to a рlасе whеrе уоu hаvе nоt рrеviоuѕlу ventured, it is оf thе раrаmоunt importance tо prepare fоr your journey еаrlу and tо аѕсеrtаin thе utmоѕt dеtаil роѕѕiblе bеfоrеhаnd.

Thаt bеing ѕаid, it iѕ ѕtill a case of exciting аdvеnturе fоr thе person whо iѕ embarking on their firѕt holiday to an unknоwn рlасе (аѕ fаr as thеу are concerned) or even the frеԛuеnt trаvеllеr whо is vеnturing оutѕidе thеir nоrmаl аrеа оf knowledge.

Hоwеvеr or wherever thе mооd takes уоur fаnсу, thеrе is nо place fоr a саѕuаl аррrоасh, if it is your first viѕit tо a new destination and it iѕ imреrаtivе that уоu take all thе nесеѕѕаrу ѕtерѕ in order to prevent the holiday becoming a diѕаѕtеr.

The most important thing is to get your visa. ESTA iѕ a wеb-bаѕеd dаtа соllесtiоn ѕуѕtеm, initially launched by thе Dераrtmеnt оf Hоmеlаnd Security in Auguѕt 2008, which dеtеrminеѕ the preliminary еligibilitу оf viѕitоrѕ to trаvеl “viѕа-frее”, undеr the VWP, рriоr to trаvеling to thе United Stаtеѕ. There are many ways how you can check

According to rесеnt DHS data, mоrе than 1.2 milliоn ESTA аррliсаtiоnѕ have bееn rесеivеd, and over 98% оf аррliсаntѕ have been аррrоvеd. DHS further ѕtаtеѕ that will take a ‘rеаѕоnаblе аррrоасh’ tо trаvеlеrѕ whо hаvе nоt оbtаinеd аn approved trаvеl аuthоrizаtiоn via ESTA, аnd will соntinuе an aggressive аdvеrtiѕing and outreach саmраign thrоughоut 2009.

Trаvеlеrѕ withоut аn approved ESTA mау bе dеniеd bоаrding, experience dеlауеd processing, or bе denied аdmiѕѕiоn аt a U.S. роrt of еntrу.

Thе сitizеnѕ оr nаtiоnаlѕ оf thе following countries аrе сurrеntlу еligiblе tо travel tо thе United States undеr thе VWP: Andorra, Auѕtrаliа, Auѕtriа, Bеlgium, Brunei, thе Czесh Rерubliс, Dеnmаrk, Eѕtоniа, Finlаnd, Frаnсе, Germany, Hungаrу, Iсеlаnd, Irеlаnd, Itаlу, Japan, the Rерubliс оf Kоrеа, Lаtviа, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mаltа, Monaco, thе Nеthеrlаndѕ, New Zealand, Nоrwау, Portugal, Sаn Mаrinо, Singapore, Slоvаkiа, Slоvеniа, Sраin, Sweden, Switzеrlаnd, and the Esta Unitеd Kingdоm.

Before You Travel!

As a EU citizen, bеfоrе you begin уоur jоurnеу, be sure to have thе fоllоwing dосumеntѕ аnd mаkе еxtrа сорiеѕ! Stаrt a trаvеling file and kеер сорiеѕ of all уоur important dосumеntѕ in it аt hоmе. Tаkе сорiеѕ оf thе policies уоu’rе bringing with уоu аnd рlасе thеm in уоur саrrу-оn оr money belt.

  1. Insurance Documents

Hеаlth Inѕurаnсе: Kеер a copy оf уоur inѕurаnсе роliсу, соntасt рhоnе numbеrѕ, and policy numbеrѕ. Make nоtеѕ оn what iѕ соvеrеd whilе уоu аrе away frоm hоmе.

Travelers Insurance: If уоu use travelers inѕurаnсе, kеер copies оf роliсiеѕ fоr quick rеfеrеnсе. These роliсiеѕ саn inсludе triр intеrruрtiоn оr саnсеllаtiоn inѕurаnсе, travel lifе insurance, bаggаgе replacement, аnd trаvеl medical coverage. For more info read this article on What You Should Know About Travel Insurance.

Credit Cаrd Inѕurаnсе Cоvеrаgе: Mаnу сrеdit саrdѕ will рrоvidе trаvеl inѕurаnсе for a vаriеtу оf ѕituаtiоnѕ such аѕ lost luggage, lоѕt оr broken itеmѕ, аnd even lifе аnd mеdiсаl соvеrаgе if уоur trip is раid uѕing thе card. Knоw what уоur credit саrd соvеrѕ whilе trаvеling, and keep a copy of the роliсу.

  1. Pаѕѕроrt

If you are a frеԛuеnt international trаvеlеr, keep уоur раѕѕроrt uр-tо-dаtе in саѕе оf last minutе triрѕ. Sоmе соuntriеѕ rеԛuirе thаt уоur U.S. раѕѕроrt be valid аt least six mоnthѕ оr longer bеуоnd thе dаtеѕ оf уоur triр. It саn tаkе several wееkѕ tо rесеivе оr rеnеw a раѕѕроrt. Mаkе twо сорiеѕ оf уоur раѕѕроrt, kеер оnе fоr уоur travel file, аnd tаkе оnе with уоu while traveling. A сору of уоur passport will hеlр agents to rерlасе it if уоur раѕѕроrt iѕ lоѕt оr stolen.

  1. Crеdit Cаrd Numbers аnd Contacts

Writе down thе саrd numbеrѕ, еxрirаtiоn date, and соntасt phone numbеrѕ of all сrеdit саrdѕ аnd phone саrdѕ, and trаvеlеrѕ check rерlасеmеnt numbеrѕ. Make twо copies, оnе fоr уоur travel file аnd оnе to take with you. Inform уоur сrеdit саrd соmраnу thаt уоu will be uѕing уоur саrd tо make рurсhаѕеѕ in a fоrеign country. Many сrеdit саrd companies hаvе security соntrоlѕ thаt will invаlidаtе уоur сrеdit саrd if the саrd ѕhоwѕ “оut-оf-раttеrn” buуing such аѕ fоrеign purchases. Having the сrеdit card соmраnу рutting a hold оn your credit саrd can be еmbаrrаѕѕing аnd time соnѕuming to straighten оut.

  1. Emеrgеnсу Cоntасt Names

Yоu ѕhоuld hаvе a liѕt оf nаmеѕ and phone numbеrѕ of fаmilу аnd/оr friеndѕ that can bе соntасtеd in саѕе of аn еmеrgеnсу. Mаkе аt least 3 copies аnd carry оnе on уоur реrѕоn, оnе fоr your home filе аnd оnе for уоur carry-on.

Other Tips You Should Know

Now that the Intеrnеt hаѕ wеll become оf аgе, it is роѕѕiblе tо find оut a lot of information thаt will assist in рlаnning уоur trаvеl, however, after obtaining your visa, I аm providing hеrе ѕоmе basic роintѕ that rеаllу muѕt be tаkеn ѕеriоuѕlу tо еnѕurе уоu еnjоу еvеrу minutе of уоur travels.

Therefore, thе firѕt thing that ѕhоuld bе done iѕ to ѕit dоwn and mаkе a соmрrеhеnѕivе list оf the things tо bе taken into consideration:

  1. Where dо you want tо tаkе уоur vасаtiоn?
  2. Are thеrе any problems in that соuntrу оr area (local unrеѕt – gangskidnappings -diѕеаѕеѕ еtс)?
  3. Liѕt thе places whеrе you might find оut about ѕuсh problems.
  4. Inѕurаnсе – one оf thе mоѕt vital thingѕ tо bе undеrtаkеn bоth frоm a mеdiсаl and ѕаfеtу аѕресt.
  5. Is уоur раѕѕроrt up-to dаtе with аdеԛuаtе timе lеft in саѕе аnуthing wеnt wrong?
  6. Iѕ a viѕа necessary tо visit the аrеа аnd hоw long dоеѕ it tаkе to оbtаin.
  7. Arе thеrе аnу rеѕtriсtiоnѕ оn thе аmоunt of mоnеу уоu саn tаkе into the соuntrу and аlѕо out оf the соuntrу?
  8. What iѕ thе bеѕt wау оf getting to thе соuntrу аnd саn уоu gо anywhere еlѕе еn-rоutе.
  9. Will you bе tаking уоung children or bаbiеѕ with уоu, thеrе are lоtѕ оf imрliсаtiоnѕ, if уоu are аnd this will need tо bе lооkеd аt саrеfullу.
  10. Whеn iѕ thе bеѕt timе in thе year to viѕit thаt рlасе, this iѕ vеrу imроrtаnt – there соuld bе hurriсаnеѕ – tоо hоt wеаthеr, tоо соld – there iѕ uѕuаllу an idеаl time to visit -rеmеmbеr ѕеаѕоnѕ are аt diffеrеnt time in diffеrеnt раrtѕ of thе wоrld.


Flying With Your Dog In-Cabin: What You Need to Know

Have you ever thought about how to fly in-cabin hassle-free with your dog? Truth be told, “hassle-free” might just be too much to ask if you’re flying with your pet. No matter how much you prepare, there might be some sort of snafu just waiting to happen while you’re in an airplane thousands of miles up in the air! It can be a barking spell, a poop emergency, or a dog-hating individual who just has to complain about something even though your dog is not bothering anyone.

While the possibility of hassles is always there, there are actually many things that you can do to make the flight as comfortable as possible for your pet. In this article, we’ll provide you with a few tips on who to fly in-cabin with your dog.

A Note on Plane Travel with Pet Dogs

Before deciding to bring your dog along for air travel, make sure to ask yourself first whether it’s worth the trouble, or more importantly, the risk. Take note that while some airline companies are more than happy to welcome small dogs in the cabin as long as they are inside a carrier, many others require all pets to be transported as cargo.

Extreme heat and cold are the most significant risks to dogs when they are placed in a plane’s cargo area, although underlying medical conditions can also considerably increase the risk for many other dogs. Snub-nosed or brachycephalic dogs such as pugs, bulldogs, boxers, and chow chows are also at an increased risk for respiratory stress because their physiology impairs their capacity to breath, especially under extreme temperatures or when they are stressed out.

In the 1990s, some 5000 animals were lost, injured, or killed on commercial flights annually according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, which is why they advocated the passage of the Safe Air Transport for Animals Act. Given the possibilities, if traveling with your pet is not of absolute necessity, you’d be well advised to leave them at home in the care of your friends or family. Otherwise, make sure to talk to your veterinarian in advance so you can discuss the best way to transport your dog.

Traveling with Your Dog In-Cabin

Thankfully, there are airliners that allow smaller dogs to be carried in the cabin, where they can be more comfortable and near their owners. However, certain rules are typically specified by individual airline companies. You will want to make sure that you have an appropriate carrier for your dog. For example, American Airlines requires the dog and the carrier to weigh just 20 pounds (9 Kg) combined, and the carrier itself must fit underneath the seat in front of the passenger. Other airline companies will have their own rules, so make sure to check in advance what these rules are. For example, many airliners will not allow very young puppies or snub-nosed dogs to fly. The fees also vary from airline to airline.

Make sure to make arrangements with the airline company months in advance because they typically only allow a limited number of dogs onboard. This also allows them to make preparations in the event that another passenger informs them that they have pet allergies.

See to It That Your Dog Has the Right Attitude for Flying

Some dogs are naturally quiet and chill, while others are temperamental and easily stressed, especially when kept in cramped or uncomfortable situations. If your dog is the latter, do yourself and your pet a favor, and don’t force them to fly! Check your dog in a pet hotel, or better yet, have a friend take care of them instead. If you would really love to go on a vacation with your dog, consider going on a road trip instead.

Make Sure That Your Dog Has the Necessary Documents to Fly

Again, consult your veterinarian and the airline company in advance so you’ll be able to get your dog’s papers in order before the flight. One requirement that may be asked of you is updated vaccination for your pet with accompanying documents to prove it.

Choose a Comfortable Carrier for Your Pet

The carrier will be your dog’s personal “seat” in the aircraft, and given the size requirements, it might not exactly be the most comfortable place for your pet to be stowed in for many hours. Nevertheless, you can make the journey cozier for your dog by choosing a high-quality carrier that is just the right size for your pet but will still fit underneath the seat in front of you. One thing to remember, though, is that the carrier will become your carry-on baggage, so all other bags aside from your small personal item will have to be checked in.


Make sure to introduce your pet to their carrier weeks or maybe even months before the flight. Make the lodging experience as positive as possible by placing treats and some of their toys inside. You can also practice going on trips by placing your dog in the carrier and taking them out for a ride in your car.


Pack Right for the Flight


Once you have acquired your dog’s papers and have chosen an appropriate carrier for your dog, it’s time to start getting packed! First up, make sure to line your dog’s carrier with an absorbent lining pad, so just in case your pet needs to urinate, they won’t get wet. An absorbent lining pad typically has adhesive strips that keeps it in place and prevents it from bunching up. It also contains absorbent polymers deep inside, allowing any liquid to become absorbed and trapped within seconds.


Aside from an absorbent lining pad, other important things to bring along are wet wipes, poop bags, a dog collar and a leash, a small food and water bowl, treats, dog food (for emergency flight disruptions), a water bottle that you can fill up at the boarding gate, and something familiar from home, like your dog’s favorite toy.


Flying with your dog in-cabin can be a lot more comfortable for you and your pet if you prepare well for your flight. It is important to consult your veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical condition that could make flying unsafe for your pet. Likewise, you should also communicate with your chosen airline company in advance to make sure everything is in order and arrangements are made to accommodate you and your pet according to your expectations.

Bodrum to Gokova and all of its Beauty

The Turquoise coast is often considered one of the most beautiful stretches of coastline in the world. End to end, this coast is filled with natural beauty and historical fascinations

Turkey is home to islands that are as beautiful now as they have always been throughout history. Therefore, it is an excellent idea is to experience these places just as they might have been enjoyed throughout history. Alaturka Cruises offer a variety of tours that allow for you to explore different spots along the coastline. The Bodrum to Gokova blue cruise  is a fantastic way to see some of the highlights of the area.

This cruise is not only about adventure but is also a relaxing journey on a traditional gulet, all while discovering new places and meeting new friends. As this holiday takes eight days and visits many places, you will have time to thoroughly explore the following places:


The city of Bodrum is a popular starting place as it offers many chances to do some shopping while seeing some of the ancient ruins left as a reminder of the past. This city once was home to one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the Mausoleum of Mausolus. While only the substructures are left after a number of earthquakes, these remains are enough to see how impressive the building might have once been.

Orak Island

Another early stop on this route is Orak Island. This island is popular to stop at by both small cruises and diving boats. The bay is a spectacular place for swimming and snorkelling thanks to crystal clear waters. Divers find this bay very special due to the underwater coral wall.  On the land there are a few ideal walking spots with wild olive tree giving a wonderful smell to the air.

The English Harbor

This later stop has an unusual name. The English harbor gained its name from a less pleasant time in history but this has not dampened the beauty. The British Navy during WWII used this bay to harbour their vessels as it is quiet and sheltered from the elements. Sadly, there are some British ships that sunk in this bay. Divers and snorkelers try to spot these ships when swimming.

Karacasogut Village

Karacasogut is a small village that due to its close location to Marmaris and because of its beauty, has become a popular place for blue cruises to anchor for an afternoon. This small village is a sought after place of escape from the busy lifestyles of Marmaris city. Although in 1996 there was a fire that destroyed a large section of the village, this did not diminish its beauty or popularity. Often on a blue cruise this will be an overnight stop, allowing for passengers to arrange transportation to Marmaris to enjoy the nightclubs and bars that makes this city a popular tourist destination.

The Seven Islands

The Seven Islands is a location on the Turquoise coast that is often used in advertising for this part of Turkey. Even though most of the shots of this destination are taken from the air, this only highlights the beauty of the area. This chain of islands has many secluded bays that can be used for anchoring. Once anchored, there are usually 3 things that most visitors like to do; take a swim and see the colourful fish, walk through the pine forests that the islands are home to, or relax on the boat a watch the waters and islands in total peace.

While these are just a few of the locations on this incredible route, this should definitely be  incentive enough to try one of these amazing holidays.

How to Make the Most of Your Royal Holiday Vacation to the Dominican Republic

Welcome, bienvenidos, to the Dominican Republic.

Here there are hundreds of kilometers of Caribbean coastline, vast lush interiors with peaks and valleys, desolate scrublands, and rich colonial towns with resonant histories. If you want to skip across sweeping white beaches, dive or snorkel in the crystaline waters, fly through the air on a zipline or parasail, ride through rivers on the back of a horse, or explore its rich history, the Dominican Republic might be the right Royal Holiday vacation for you. To get the most out of your trip to the island of Hispanola, you’ll want to immerse yourself in the culture, explore the beauty of nature, and have an adventure or two.

Steep yourself in culture

Today the stories of the old world blend with the Latin rhythms of merengue on the streets of Santo Domingo. When Columbus landed on Hispanola in 1492, the island had been inhabited for three thousand years by the TaÃnos (or “friendly people”). Now Santo Domingo has some of the richest culture in the Caribbean. You may also want to book a couple of nights at an all-inclusive in the city of Puerto Plata, where you can wonder at rich colonial architecture and enjoy the way its newer, vibrant streets pulse with sound of merengue.

Life’s a beach

To really get the most out of your Royal Holiday vacation to the Dominican Republic, you’ll want to spend some at one of the plush beach resorts in Punta Cana on the eastern shore of the island. Beaches like Playa Bávaro, El Cortecito, Playa Bonita, and others on the 35-kilometer coastline of Punta Cana are considered some of the most beautiful and romantic in the Caribbean. Punta Cana is also home to some of the most beautifully manicured golf courses, the most luxurious restaurants, and the most vibrant nightlife in the D.R.

Have an adventure
From Punta Cana, you can book a horseback and zipline tour along the Anamuya river, take a dune buggy tour of the banana plantations and farms outside the city, or take a safari tour of Monkeyland, a theme park dedicated to native monkeys. Nothing prepares you for a romantic dinner by the sea like spending the day swimming with sharks and stingrays in the Punta Cana marinarium. From Puerto Plata you can book a trip to swim, climb – and jump – from the 27 waterfalls of Damajagua, something many travelers say is the coolest thing to do in the D.R. If you’d rather cruise the Western Caribbean than there are a ton of great options for members of the Royal Holiday Vacation Club as featured and written about. There are a ton of great options for members of the Royal Holiday Vacation Club have hundreds of vacation spots to choose from but often times can’t make up their mind No matter what you choose for your holiday vacation.

The Security of the Visa Waiver Program

38 countries around the world are currently members of the Visa Waiver Program, which represents huge benefits for tourism, business, and even international security.


Many travelers may be more familiar with the term ‘ESTA’ when traveling to the USA, which is the ‘Electronic System for Travel Authorization’. Essentially, the ESTA is the way that the citizens of these 38 countries can benefit from the Visa Waiver Program, and visit the USA for periods of up to 90 days at a time on business or as tourists.



Since last year in particular, there has been a lot of focus on international travel to the USA, particularly in the wake of the travel ban. This also brought the Visa Waiver Program into the limelight, with many people concerned as to the potential security drawbacks of having a system whereby travelers did not require a visa to enter the United States.


Public debate surrounding the Visa Waiver Program has widely been focused on security concerns, particularly in the past year. Indeed, security should always be paramount when looking at any framework for travel. Of course, terrorism has played a heavy part in how we look at the issue of security, and is one of the main reasons behind continued security improvement efforts, in the USA and around the world. Nevertheless, it is perhaps important to underline the rigorous and highly interconnected security processes that are intrinsic to the Visa Waiver Program, and how the very existence of the program is a security benefit in itself.



The concept of a visa waiver can easily give off the idea that it would somehow be less secure for the US than the visa system. Of course, it’s largely known that the vetting process behind a US visa application is comprehensive, and so the idea of someone not having to carry out this application could, on the surface, look like a blind spot in national security; a window of opportunity that could be exploited by those who represent a threat to the country. And yet, the level of vetting involved with the Visa Waiver Program actually involves an intricate web of checks and databases around the world.


In fact, the background checks that go into an ESTA application are the same as those of visa holders. The information of every ESTA applicant is cross-referenced in the State Department, the Department of Homeland Security (DHL) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which each have multiple systems in place for cross-checking various data. The information consulted in these cross checks covers law enforcement, lost and stolen passports, known and suspected terrorists, fingerprint IDs, no fly lists, and a wide range of other specific and highly important data.



What’s more, every one of the 38 member states of the Visa Waiver Program shares their own security information with the United States. As a result, the USA has an even better idea of who it is letting into the country, and who to be aware of. This is a fundamental requirement for being a part of the program; every country needs to share data on criminals and suspected and known terrorists with the USA, as well as on lost and stolen passports.


In this sense, the more countries that join the Visa Waiver Program, the more secure it is for everyone. The program’s travel benefits and security benefits go hand in hand. As more countries join, the body of valuable security information grows. And as security improves, this is also a natural boost to tourism appeal.


And the fact of the matter is, though it’s very easy to apply for ESTA as an individual, it is not so easy for countries to become part of the Visa Waiver Program. The US looks at a wide range of parameters when deciding on whether a country can be allowed into the program, and continues to monitor these aspects for countries that are already in. These things include overstay rates, security and information collection factors, national policies, among many other components.


Coming back to overstay rates briefly, this is how many visitors to the USA stay longer than their visa or ESTA allows them to be there. The overstay rate of citizens from VWP member countries is considerably less than those who come to the country with visas, however it is also an important characteristic that countries require to form part of the system. In order to be a member country of the Visa Waiver Program, a candidate country needs to have an overstay rate of 2% or less. For some countries, however, this is the only thing stopping them from becoming members of the program. The problem for the United States is that, if a country is a suitable candidate in all other regards, and is generally seen as a ‘high-value, low-risk’ territory, then by rejecting an application on this factor alone, they could be missing out on extremely valuable security information, as well as major benefits to trade, tourism and diplomatic ties on the whole.


In light of the huge number of databases and shared information that goes into the Visa Waiver Program, it is worth highlighting here that the overall ESTA system is working very well. By way of example, the secretary of homeland security, Kirstjen Nielsen, recently commented that an average of seven people on the terrorist watch list try to enter the USA on a daily basis. The Visa Waiver Program is therefore acting as a strong and consistent barrier, and also strengthening the collective awareness of suspected or known terrorists by continually updating the Terrorist Screening Database. As a result of this, it is also worth pointing out that none of the dozens of terrorist plots and attacks in the USA in recent years were committed by people who got into the USA under the Visa Waiver Program.


There is another security factor involved in travelling with an ESTA that is identical to any visa, or indeed any US citizen. This is the fact that the ESTA is only an authorization for you to travel to the United States, and not to actually get into the country. Of course, if you have an ESTA, then this means that you have already been vetted and that there is therefore no reason to suspect that you pose any threat. Nevertheless, upon arrival in the United States, it is the responsibility of a Border Patrol Officer to make the final call. This person has the authority to let you into the country, or to refuse your entry. Generally, the Border Patrol Officer will ask travelers a few questions about their trip, which can range from what their plans are and where they are staying, to what they do for a living and how they are funding their trip.



The benefits behind the Visa Waiver Program affect all parties. Of course, it is very important that the topic of security continues to be discussed in an ongoing way. As we do so, we should also recognize the significant security benefits it already poses, and look at how they can be expanded and scaled to become even more effective.


If you’re traveling to the USA this year, be sure to apply for your ESTA online as soon as you start planning your trip. The application process itself only takes around ten to fifteen minutes, and the entire process is carried out online. After you have submitted our application, you will receive an email with your authorization status within 24 hours (despite all the data crosschecks going on!).


Once your application has been approved, it will be valid for a period of two years, or until your passport expires (whichever comes first). As soon as your passport expires you will need to apply for a new ESTA in order to travel to the United States. Throughout the validity period of your ESTA, you can travel to the United States as many times as you need, as long as the purpose of your trips corresponds with the conditions of the Visa Waiver Program. Though the ESTA itself cannot be renewed at the end of these two years, you can simply apply again, following the same application process, to get your travel authorization back.


And yes, there are a range of security questions included on the online ESTA application form, but now you know that behind the scenes there are a whole lot more!

How To Have Fun With Your Adult Friends

To enjoy a long and happy life, it is vital that you strike the right balance between taking care of others and taking care of yourself. This should undoubtedly be your priority if you oversee raising a young family and find it hard to embrace your own identity. Instead of losing sight of your interests, now and then you should organize a fun activity to experience with your adult friends. Below are seven suggestions that will help you to do this.

Try out an escape room

One fantastically fun idea is to try out an escape room with your group of friends. An escape room is a brilliant opportunity for you to escape the demands of daily life and focus all your attention on an exciting challenge. It is also a great way for you to enjoy an adult activity that is perfectly suited to someone of your age and mental ability. It could act as a welcome break if you spend a lot of your time around children and predominantly take part in activities that are more targeted at youngsters. If you are interested in this experience, why not visit a Pittsburgh Escape Room and invite along your friends?   

Plan a trip to the movies

Another great idea is to plan a trip to the movies. Although you might have seen plenty of child-friendly films, every once in a while, you should seek out entertainment that challenges you and captures your full attention. For instance, you could make plans to see a horror flick that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Another idea is to attend a screening of a silent movie, a foreign film, or an interesting documentary. What better opportunity for you to expand your mind and broaden your horizons? Not only this but if you are struggling to find childcare for your little ones, you could always put together a home movie night. This is a great way for you have fun with your friends while staying near your young family.  

Enjoy a night of stand-up comedy

In addition to this, you should think about enjoying a night of stand-up comedy. Laughter is the best medicine, so it is vital that you are frequently looking out for opportunities to have fun. If you are eager to go all out, you should invest in tickets to see your favorite comedian. Or, if you are trying to curb your spending habits, you should attend an open mike night. This is a cost-effective way for you to access the latest up and coming talent. If you go ahead with this activity, just make sure that you let your group know that not every comic will be hilarious. There may even be some performers with an act that falls flat. Instead of feeling disappointed, you need to ensure that everyone is prepared to roll with the punches, and it will improve your chances of enjoying a laid-back experience that puts a broad smile on your face. You never know, after a few visits to an open mic night, you might even be tempted face your fears and take to the stage.

Have a go at extreme sports

Another fantastic opportunity for you to face your fears is by getting involved with an extreme sport. This is unlikely to be something that you can enjoy with your children, so why not try to do something purely for yourself? It could involve anything from rock climbing to wave riding. Perhaps one of your close friends already enjoys an extreme sport that they would be happy to share with the rest of the group. Or, maybe one of your friends has a secret longing to do something different. Whatever the case, the most important thing is that you select an activity that everyone can enjoy. Otherwise, some of your group may feel disappointed by your decision.

Organize a fun shopping spree

If some of your friends are hoping for a more relaxed activity, you should think about organizing a fun shopping spree. You could do this at the local mall, or travel a little further to find a shopping center that has a broader range of stores. If you are someone who is always putting the needs of other people before your own, it is essential that you use this time to treat yourself. Instead of looking out for presents for the rest of your family, you should break from tradition and find purchases that are all about you. Why not have fun selecting a new outfit? You could even attend a beauty bar and ask them to do your makeup, blow dry your hair, or thread your eyebrows. Ideally, you should convince all of your pals to join you in this indulgent activity. That way, you can prevent each other from feeling guilty or giving up on finding the perfect purchase.

Visit a fancy restaurant

Next, you should work with your friends to create a list of restaurants that you would like to visit. This is an especially good idea if you have a brood of picky children who rarely step outside their comfort zone. It is also a fantastic option if you have youngsters that you don’t trust to behave appropriately in fancy restaurants. Furthermore, adult night out could be the perfect opportunity for you to experiment with cocktails or explore the wine list. It might not be possible for you to go out every week, but at the very least you could go out once a month. Then, you could split the bill and share the cost. Or, you could take your chances with an exciting game of credit card roulette.

Treat yourself to a spa day

Finally, you should consider treating yourself to a spa day. It is a brilliant way for you to reduce your stress levels, improve your mood, and nurture your face and body. When you are putting together this day, just remember to invite along friends that are sure to get into the spirit. You don’t want to go with people who are likely to undermine the relaxing environment or weigh you down with their complaints.

How to Explore Turkey’s Lunar Landscape

The magnificent Cappadocian landscape is something quite unique, not just in Turkey, but in the world. Centuries of harsh weather, volcanic activity and erosion on the soft tuff which is abundant in the region, have made the landscape what it is today. Adorned with unusual rock formations known as Fairy Chimneys, spread across barren land and lush valleys between red tinted rocks and vineyards. Humans have also had an impact of the area with ancient civilisations leaving behind incredible underground cities, cave homes, rock-hewn churches and monasteries and many caravanserais from the travelling Silk Road tradesmen. The history of this particular part of Turkey’s central Anatolia is long and colourful and there are various ways to dive into exploring the Lunar Landscape.


Jump on a Quad Bike


One way to get a quick taste for the numerous valleys of Cappadocia is by joining an ATV Safari for a few hours or renting your own bike for a longer trip. This is ideal for adventurous ‘off the beaten track’ travelers who seek bit of adrenaline. Around the village of Goreme there are offroad tracks to the Fairy Chimneys and ruins in Sword Valley and a maze of trails connect the village to Cavusin and Uchisar via interesting rock formations in Red and Rose Valley’s.


Road Trip


To see a little more of the region and in a little more comfort you can hop on a Jeep Safari and cruise between the villages and valleys and visit stunning panorama point with 360 degree views over the fantastic Cappadocia landscape. Jeep Safari Tours are usually half day excursions but you can go private for extra exploring time. Or, for a bit more freedom you might prefer to rent a car and visit the central villages of the region such as the pottery making town of Avanos or the historic Ottoman-Greek town of Mustafapasa.


Horse Riding


The word Cappadocia means ‘The Land of Beautiful Horses’ and once upon a time most of central Anatolia was teeming with tradesmen who travelled between Europe and Asia on handsome Akhal-Teke horses, native to Turkmenistan. Nowadays you can still explore Cappadocia and horseback just as the Silk Road travelers once did, horse riding excursions can be anything from a few hours to full day or multiday trips stopping with homestays in quaint villages. But, horse riding in this region is far from the calm scenic walk you might be imagining as the mountainous terrain will have you decending steep scree slopes, through dry valleys and muddy rivers or climbing to jaw dropping viewpoints.


On the River


While much of Cappadocia is dry and dusty, there is a town in Cappadocian region which is famous for its red river and the stores of clay that lay beneath it. On the river bank is the town of Avanos, most visitors come for the open pottery workshops and handicraft stores or a romantic Gondola ride on Kizilirmak River. However adrenaline seekers may have also heard about jet boat river trips, the newest in the range of adventure sports in Cappadocia, you can enjoy a fast paced drive along the historic river, making quick spins and probably getting quite wet and still have time to explore the traditional town.


By Dolmus


If you’re an independent traveler who isn’t keen on outdoor sports of pre organised tours then don’t be put off of visiting Cappadocia because it’s still possible to visit many of the region’s highlights by Dolmus (local buses). Staying in the village of Goreme you will be at the very centre of Cappadocia and connected to nearby towns and villages by excellent public transport services.


On Foot


Throughout Cappadocia there are multiple well marked hiking trails of varying difficulty connecting  towns via valleys of Fairy Chimneys, troglodyte caves and rock-hewn churches. There are easy to difficult trails from the edge of Goreme village, passing through manmade dovecotes in Pigeons Valley. A 4 km trail is relatively flat apart from the final climb up to Uchisar Castle where there are fantastic panoramic views over the area. Stay for sunset or hike back via Love Valley which hosts the largest and the most numerous of these mushroom shaped Fairy Chimneys. You can stop at the Goreme Open Air Museum on the way, this UNESCO approved site is home to stone age homes and early Christian churches with original frescoes and countless caves to delve into.


A Bird’s-Eye-View
The best way to appreciate the magical landscape of Cappadocia is from a Cappadocia Hot Air Balloon. Float high above undulating hills and deep valleys, with views to surrounding mountain peaks and dormant volcanoes as the sun begins to rise over Turkey’s Lunar Landscape.

Why Traveling the World Should Be on Your Bucket List

When someone starts talking about their bucket list, it’s usually referring to the list of things they want to do before they die, the proverbial “kick the bucket.” While this list is generally created towards the end of one’s life, we’d like to present the option of spreading it out a bit. Setting smaller goals that allow you to accomplish things on a day to day basis, or experience new things each week or each month are going to make for a much more fulfilling life than cramming it all in at the end. Also, consider that many of the things you want to do may not be possible later on, so it’s best to take advantage of the opportunity that now holds.

Some of the most common bucket list items are influenced by speaking to those nearing their end, and what they see as regrets. These regrets are often over things they didn’t do. This doesn’t mean they wish they had thought to invest in a better quality mattress, noticed the signs of gastroenterology issues sooner, or they wish they had known the risk factors of gingivitis. These can be regrettable, but they aren’t what make up what should have been done on the bucket list. The regrets that often end up on the bucket list are more large-scale regrets, like not having pursued an education, or not having explored more of the earth.

Sometimes it’s hard to pin down these regrets and things to do on the bucket list because most people don’t have any idea of what they actually want to do yet. However, a goal that isn’t written down is just a wish. If you reverse this, think on all the things you’re wishing for, and that’ll provide an excellent starting point for your list.

One thing that’s easy to put on that list, and dare we say one that ought to be near the top, and a recurring activity, is to travel the world. Whether that’s touring the city of Kuala Lumpur or getting new backpacking gear to hike the trails of the Andes mountains in South America , traveling is a truly rewarding experience. There are numerous reasons besides the fact that it’s cool and everyone has it on their bucket list. This is one time when it’s definitely okay to share the popular opinion.



  • Learning. The natural curiosity and drive to learn that we are born with is inevitably stamped out, or at the very least molded for specific paths as we grow up. However, the need to learn is something that should be encouraged and celebrated. Telling ourselves to be content with what we know now is so boring and quickly dulls life. Learn to engage again with your natural curiosity by booking a trip.
  • Challenge yourself. Perhaps you don’t travel because leaving a familiar area scares you half to death. But that’s the alluring thrill of it! Challenge yourself to move past that fear and go experience new things. You’ll see that it really wasn’t that scary, and you’ll really enjoy discovering what else the world has to offer beyond your circle of safety.
  • Rejuvenate. You may not realize just how much pressure you’re under by being constantly attached to the rest of the world via phone or email. There’s a lot of stress in our daily lives that we adjust to because there isn’t a choice, but taking some time away from all of that is surprisingly refreshing, if a bit terrifying.
  • Grow your appreciation. All too often our everyday luxuries are taken for granted, and we stop appreciating them. We aren’t saying to take a trip to a devastated country with no amenities, but a trip that’s either along those lines or a trip for historic purposes really gives insight into how far we’ve come, and gives you a healthier appreciation for the things you so easily expect each day.
  • Build new relationships. We’re social creatures. We aren’t meant to be isolated, but often, we insist on doing just that with the drive to succeed. What is the purpose of succeeding without anyone to share it with? Try branching out through travel and watch how immediately it positively affects you. No two people think just alike, and listening to or seeing different perspectives on everyday or extraordinary things causes a wonderful curiosity to discover more. If you build relationships that you really don’t want to lose, then you can also build a website, preferably using a web host with low monthly costs, as a platform to keep in touch with your new friends or to keep track of all the places you’ve travelled. If it goes well, you could even expand this into a site for world travelers and increase your readership through strategic SEO solutions.
  • Escape. Whether it’s a breakup, a change in jobs, or another major life event, traveling will provide an escape route. Take a breather outside of your normal life. It’ll help ease the transition and perhaps let you see opportunities that may not have been visible while you were stuck at home.
  • Celebrate. On a more positive note, celebrating is how we express our joy. An accomplishment, big or small, deserves recognition. Go a step further than just celebrating at home and take a trip. In fact, go one even better than that and take a trip with friends. This creates shared memories that will last you a lifetime.


Traveling the world is something that everyone should do at least once, but preferably many times. It is such an invaluable experience, that it is safe to say no one can go without doing it, and yet lead a truly fulfilling life. That is why it ought to be on your bucket list.