Close to Home: Camping in Your Backyard

You don’t have to take your family to a distant campground to have a day surrounded by nature.
Instead, let your backyard serve as the perfect place for a family camping adventure. With the help of
your own creativity, you can replicate the real camping experience for your children.

Make Your Preparations

Before your adventure begins, take a look at your camping gear. If you plan to sleep outside in the
backyard, you’ll need a tent and a few sleeping bags. You should also prepare some tasty foods that you
can eat outside. If you have a barbecue, you should plan to use it to grill up some favorite camp foods.
Sandwiches also work great for meals in your backyard camp. Be sure to bring along some favorite
camping snacks, including jerky and trail mix. Don’t forget to bring enough bottled water and other
drinks for everyone.

Prepare Your Campsite

Next, ask your children to help you transform your yard into a fun campsite. Help your children pick a
good spot to place the tent. [Read more…]