5 Ways for Stressed Moms to Fight the Signs of Aging

Anyone who says that a stay-home mom doesn’t have a job has obviously never spent the day chasing around a gaggle of children. And for moms that hold down a paying job, as well, the combination of work and parenting can be stressful, so say the least. Sadly, a lack of time paired with high stress can lead to premature signs of aging, something that no mom wants to see when she looks in the mirror. So here are just a few ways for stressed moms to fight the signs of aging and start looking and feeling as young as they are.

look younger

  1. Quit smoking. This may sound harsh, but if you’re a mother you shouldn’t be smoking. If you have children in your care you should not only do everything you can to keep yourself healthy so that you can be there for your children as long as possible, but you also shouldn’t be exposing your kids to the harmful effects of second-hand smoke. (Read this – Protecting Kids from Tobacco/Vape, Don’t Smoke!) Of course, giving up your pack-a-day habit will also help to preserver your youthful good looks. And while quitting may ratchet up your stress level initially, leaving you irritable, there are medications to help (Chantix), and reducing your cravings for nicotine will actually lower your stress in the long run. As a bonus, it’s a great move for both your overall health and the condition of your [Read more…]