Post-College Financial Decisions

Pretty soon a new year will be beginning and with a new year, there are new goals and wishes which we would all like to fulfill. One of the most hopeful groups of people should be those looking to graduate college soon. Be it this year or in a few years, it never hurts to plan ahead. This big leap from college can be frightening. A new apartment, a full time job/career beginning, loan payments, striking out and being independent can seem like a daunting task. But with a clear head and some creativity it will all fall into place and you will be striving and surviving just like an adult, and still be a kid at heart.

One of the most important decisions is deciding where to work. The first stop should be your school’s career services department or career counseling of some sort. Schedule a meeting or conference and bring a notebook. Do not go into the meeting expecting [Read more…]

Teaching Children about Money

The economy and money are a hot topic this time of year. With a presidential elections just behind us and a natural disaster coming every few months. Talk of money and spending is everywhere leading to some difficult conversations. The most difficult is with your kids. How do you explain the current economy to a five year old? Go ask your teacher will not suffice at this point. But there are a few tips and tricks to having a well rounded financially sound little gal or guy.


The conversation should start early as a learning experience with fun and games. No big charts and numbers.You don’t want to add a level of stress to something that could possibly mold a little mind to either embrace or shun an understanding of financial topics.

Start with dollars and cents and then once the math level of your child grows so too should your teaching of money and financial matters. With addition and subtraction budgets can be introduced, not on a company or even household scale but on a smaller level [Read more…]