Helping Your Kids Prepare for Exams

Since you always stress how important education is to your kids, when they have to face a major exam you’ve got to step in and lend a hand. Sure, you always hope that your child would just become so enamored with the learning process that tests great or small would be a breeze and a pleasure. But the reality is probably not far off from your own exam experiences if you take the time to remember back. That means no matter how prepared they are they probably don’t feel it, and stress is the word of the day. Helping them navigate through the process is something you can contribute even if you can’t remember algebra, chemistry or the principals of engineering to save your life. Here are a few simple ways you can help your kids prepare for their exams that should be painless for all of you.

First of all, make sure they’ve got the groundwork in place for success. That really starts with a proper night of sleep. If you’ve ever pulled an all-nighter for an exam, you know that you barely retain any of the information through the class itself, let alone for a month or a year after. While your kid probably doesn’t care whether he retains one single math problem or grammatical law after he walks out of the test, you’ve got his bigger [Read more…]