How to Prevent Food Borne Illness When Traveling

Prevent Illness when travelingWhen you’re on a trip, sampling local cuisine and indulging in tasty favorites can make for
memorable experiences. However, today’s delicious lunch or a goody from the gourmet food
truck may send you on a detour to feeling sick. Here are some tips to prevent food borne illness
when traveling.

Food borne illness can bring you low with vomiting, flu-type symptoms or even diarrhea. You
may not notice you’ve been affected until hours or days after you’ve tasted the affected food or
beverage, according to the FDA’s Food Safety Tips for Healthy Holidays. Before you take the
first bite of your journey, there are several things to check at a new restaurant or other food

Cleanliness Can Stop Contamination
Does the food preparation area look clean? Although some kitchens will be off limits to
customers, a brief glimpse can tell you if an area is disorderly or if the staff has difficulty
controlling the garbage. The World Health Organization’s Prevention of Food Borne Disease:
Five Keys to Safer Food also advises food preparers to keep raw and cooked food separate. This
can prevent the spread of contaminants to your plate.

When your food arrives, take a second to check the temperature. Food safety temperature matters. If a hamburger or chicken dish seems cold, send it back. Undercooked meat or food that hasn’t been properly prepared isn’t worth the risk of food poisoning. At buffets, pass up potato salad, eggs or other items if they aren’t kept at the  [Read more…]