Teaching Your Kids Basic Skills Before They Leave for College

Sending the kids off to college inspires mixed feelings in the hearts of parents all over the world. You may be simultaneously proud of your kids for coming so far and working toward their goals, yet also sad and lonely as empty nest syndrome starts to set in. The most common sentiment for parents of new college students is worry: every parent worries about their children for a variety of reasons, but now that they’re going off to college everything is magnified. Reduce your own worries and help your kids find their footing in this new chapter of life by teaching them a few basic life skills before they leave.

Every college student should know how to cook. When you have them living under your roof, it’s easy to promote a healthy and wholesome diet for your children, but all bets are off when they leave for college. Many students put on the Freshman 15, extra pounds that come with the average freshman’s tendency toward junk meals. By teaching your children some basic recipes and cooking techniques, you can help them save both their money and their health by cooking nutritious meals on their own and avoiding the temptations of pizza and french [Read more…]