Tuck In. Turn Off. Tide Sweet Dreams

Tuck in, turn off and sweet dreams sound like three important factors when trying to fall asleep.  And while true Tuck In Turn Off is actually a new pledge by Downy, Tide and Bounce.  You see according to a poll by the National Sleep Foundation approximately 41% of Americans have problems sleeping at least a few nights a week.  The main reason being the inability to ‘turn off’.

Instead of sleeping or winding down before bed, the bed is just another place to get things done.  Some tweet, some text and some updated their Facebook status before bed.  Are any of these really necessary?  Probably not.  So pledge to have a more relaxed bed time ritual.  The key components of your ritual should be:

1) A half hour before bed shut off your phone, your computer, tablet, telegraph machine etc.

2) Give yourself 8 hours to sleep

3) Nothing with a keyboard or touch screen while in bed. Period. No quick games, no quick texts, nothing but a sweet pleasant sleep.

4)  Give yourself a calming soothing environment.  This is where the Tide, Downy and Bounce come in.  With their new Sweet Dreams Collections.  Each component of the collection has some special scent to help lull you to sleep.  The included products are:  Tide plus a touch of Downy Sweet Dreams, Downy Unstopables Dreams, Downy Infusions Sweet Dreams and Bounce Sweet Dreams. All of which have a touch of vanilla and a hing of lavender.  Lavender is a proven sleep promotion agent, helping get those precious Zzzzz ‘s without the side effects or chemicals.
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