Win 2 Books- Hazy Shade of Winter and Sun is Burning

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Please read on and enter to win- this post is by the author of both books- who better to tell you all about them?

Hello, Blogosphere!

Jessica Bradshaw here, author of the Unbound series, to introduce my labor of love, courtesy of your blogging friend, Sam. (Thanks again, Sam!)

A quick “about me”: I am what’s known as a SAHM – a “Stay at home Mom” – who received my BA in secondary education, but eventually swapped teaching students for teaching my children. Writing has become my escape from the banal drudgery of SAHM life…the laundry, dishes, yard work, cooking, cleaning, what-have-you. Like most SAHMs, I have a strong affinity for reading; it gives me the opportunity to enter worlds far more interesting than the laundry room, and far more romantic than high efficiency detergent. My current focus is writing paranormal crossover romance (read: YA romance with enough history, intellect, and vocabulary to draw adults!), and I’m thoroughly enjoying the chance to bend fantasy, history, “un” religion and romance in my trilogy…

Which, of course, is what I’m here to tell you about. The Unbound series is a two-books-so-far trilogy about a girl and her guardian angel…but I digress. Back cover blurbs tend to be far more entertaining than an author blabbering on about their own work, so if you’ll permit me…here’s Hazy Shade of Winter:

Jude, a misfit teen, has been burdened by her own mysterious ability to hear ghosts since early childhood. Ridiculed by her peers, she seeks refuge in a study-abroad program in England, unaware she is being hunted by demons and protected by a guardian angel, a Sentinel named Sam. (That’s right, I said Sam. Your Sam’s name endeared me right off the bat!) Meanwhile Sam faces his own struggles: he would rather continue his 800-year search for his Soulmate, and has no idea that the woman he seeks is actually his very own, very vulnerable assignment.

Upon Jude and Sam’s discovery of their status, and with mankind’s survival hanging on Jude’s significant fate, the archangels must work swiftly to separate the star-crossed lovers and prevent an unholy collision with Destiny. Jude is left to answer two impossible questions: What do you do when the only person you could ever love is forbidden by Heaven and Earth to be with you? What would you give to be with them?

There’s only one problem with book 1, and I must be entirely up front with you: it ends on a cliffhanger. Luckily, you’re coming in at EXACTLY the right time. Book 2 released last Monday, and it wraps with a much more clean big red bow. (There will be a third, of course, but for the moment I’m content that my readers will be far more satisfied with the conclusion of book 2.)

Speaking of satisfied, your trusty Sam will be holding a giveaway for my books! Yes, I said “books”; one lucky winner will receive BOTH EBOOKS 1 & 2 – Hazy Shade of Winter and Sun is Burning – by entering the giveaway via a comment on this post!

If you’d like further information regarding the series – like a blurb for book 2! – please visit For further information about me, the author, or to contact me directly, please visit Feel free to visit me on facebook as well – – or follow me on twitter:!/bradshawwriter. I’d love to hear from you! Keep reading, keep blogging, keep looking for deals and bargains! All my best! Jessica

TO WIN- Comment Below with either something you think you will like about these books, or the name of your favorite book 🙂


  1. Shannon Naugle says

    I read a lot of YA, so this sounds right up my alley. I can’t choose a favorite book – its like choosing a favorite child! But the most recent book I read that I would consider a favorite was Shadow and Bone – ssoooooo good!

  2. I love when books end with the reader wanting more! I love it even more if th following book wraps it up. I enjoy reading a series because it gets me more involved with the characters! I am intrigued by your book(s).

  3. MommaMary says

    Quite the age difference, but sounds as if they are meant to be! I would love to win, thanks for the chance!

  4. My favorite book (right now) is Nicholas Evans’ The Loop – LOL

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