Pokemon Art Academy

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Pokemon is an ever evolving universe of characters. The most recent addition has the player take on the role of an artist going to the Pokemon Art Academy. As such the player learns how to use various methods and tools to make beautiful poke-art.


As a young artist enrolled in Pokemon Art Academy, players learn from Professor Andy to draw some of their favorite Pokemon. In lessons which get harder and harder progressing from simple shape design and coloring to shading and blending users go from basic drawing to full color shaded Pokemon in all their glory. The Pokemon come from all the known regions so your favorite is probably involved, Little Man loves drawing Pikachu and the little critter is there. There are also various tolls at your disposal as an artist from pencils to paint brushes the possibilities for the artwork is only held back by your child’s imagination. The lessons involved show step by step how to create wonderful works of art which can then be practiced in free mode which lets players draw anything they wish. The drawings themselves can be posted to the Miiverse.

Little Man thoroughly enjoys drawing and art in general so this game is perfect for him. One of his favorite subjects to draw are actually Pokemon, so learning how to draw them the correct way is a lot of fun for him. He also loves showing off his work and can’t wait to print it all up to put on the refrigerator or wall. It is astounding how long he can ‘play’ this game without getting bored. It is also a nice change of pace from the usual games available. It feels like he gets a bit more out of Art Academy then other games.

Pokemon Art Academy is available now from fine retailers everywhere and available for download via the eShop. The game retails for $29.99.

Here is a video of my son, one of Nintendo’s Kid Reviewer’s, and his thoughts on the new game.  Enjoy!


  1. I’m a big fan of this game too! I’m glad to hear your son is enjoying it 🙂 What’s his favorite Pokemon to draw so far?

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