Stretchmo and Puzzles and Dragons

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Available now for the 3DS system is a fun new free-mium game in the -mo series which started with Pushmo, then Crashmo and Pushmo world.  The newest in the series is Stretchmo.  This game starts out as a free download where a minimum of levels and the tutorial stages are available giving the player just enough game to want more and more is indeed available in the form of 4 new sections.  These sections are Playtime Plaza, Sculpture Square, Fortress of Fun and NES Expo.  All unlock a total of 250 Stretchmo puzzles ranging from animals to shapes and even familiar NES characters from their 8bit days.  In total, this game is a blast once you get the hang of it.  Getting into the proper state of mind to solve each puzzle can take some time, but once you figure it out, it is quite fulfilling. My son, who might not figure out each puzzle as quickly as Daddy,thoroughly enjoy the game because the controls are easy and the main characters are cute little creatures.


Stretchmo is a free download, but levels unlock at different price points all of which are unlocked at the price of $9.99 as a bundle.  Stretchmo is available exclusively at the 3DS eShop.

Puzzles and Dragons

Innovative game play is an easy characteristic to say your game has, but only few actually do bring new elements to the table.  One game is Puzzle & Dragons, which has traditional RPG elements that pick up and play puzzle game play.  Throw in a dash of anime styling in one game, and Mario and friends into another, and you’ve got yourself one awesome package.  Puzzle and Dragons game play is easy- you  line up orbs of the same color more then 3 in a cluster, the bigger your cluster the higher your score, and the more orbs you destroy the more damage to gets dealt to your enemy.  There are also elemental elements where certain colored orbs are stronger against other colored orbs as well.  The game play is as deep as you’d like it to be.  For those who love puzzles that itch is easily scratched with these games.  For those who are fans of RPG’s this is an innovative take on the battle game mechanic.  What is really nice is the fact that there are actually two games packed into the one cartridge.  The first is a easier to get in and play Mario Brothers version of Puzzle and DragonsPuzzle & Dragons Z has a more in depth story, with more RPG elements in the game.  Both games are a blast, my son easily hoping between gaming styles and enjoying both, with the Super Mario edition of the game barely edging out Z- and that is mostly because Yoshi is in it.


  1. stretchmo and puzzles and dragons sounds like an amazing game and its great that there are prizes.

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