6 ways to build funds for your next family vacation

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When you lead a busy, hectic life – let’s face it, who doesn’t? It’s always nice to have something to look forward to. Weekends come and go, but it’s often the annual family vacation that most families count down to every year. Arranging a vacation requires a lot of financial planning.  One way that families reduce the financial burden of organizing a family vacation is by booking it well in advance and paying in smaller instalments so they can spread out the cost. 

Wondering how else you can build up your funds for your next family vacation? Check out 6 ideas below.

Check you’re getting what you’re entitled to

The cost of living is increasing but sadly our salaries don’t often reflect that rise. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to check that you’re receiving the benefits that you’re entitled to. Whether you’re on a lower income, a single parent or even a veteran who’s recently left the military – check out disabledvets.com to find out more about your veteran benefits – you could be entitled to more money than you think, that will not only help towards the day to day life of raising a family but also relieve some of the financial pressure you’re under. 

Try to earn a little more

You probably already have a job, and when you have small children at home it might be difficult to dedicate more time to earn more money. However, there are ways you can earn a little more without leaving your children in expensive day care centres or with babysitters. For example, you can declutter your home and sell any items you no longer want online. Start a small side hustle from your living room, such as sewing services, freelance writing, or even selling baked goods. 

Cancel your gym membership

Are you one of the thousands of people who took out a gym membership with the best intentions yet haven’t been for months? If you’re not making the most of your gym membership then simply cancel it as soon as possible. Even if you enjoy using the gym, opt to work out at home instead with some basic equipment or follow workouts online. 

Get rid of your landline

If you have a landline, ask yourself why? Does anyone actually call you on it? Apart from telemarketers of course! Have it removed and save the money into your vacation fund instead. Most people communicate via their smartphones these days! 

Pay with cash

We all know that paying with card or contactless is quicker and more convenient than cash. However, it can often lead to overspending. Take out however much cash you think you might need at the beginning of the week and simply try not to spend it all. You’ll be amazed how much you resist spending when you have the money physically in your hand. 

Buy second hand

Kids need a new t-shirt? Or maybe you need a new handbag? Head to your local charity shop and see what you can find. You’ll be amazed at the quality of items you’ll find.

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